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"Call me anything yeou want to." Barney was completely overcome. He realized that Gallup had spoken the truth, and now he understood why his old comrade had appeared so worried and broken up. "Oi don't blame yez for wearing a face a yarrud long, Ephie," he said. "Tell me how it happened, me bhoy." Gallup related the particulars.

"Well, Captin'", he said, "ef yeou choose to play 'possum that way, ye ken. But ye needn't expect me to believe in them tricks, cos I'm an old 'un". John laughed and replied, "Mummychog, Miss Adèle Dubois is a perfect beauty. I can't deny it". "And a parfeck angel tew", said Micah. "I don't doubt it", said John, energetically. "When shall we reach the settlement, Micah?"

That give me a scarer the wust kind; an' when I told doctor haow things was, he sez, kinder jokin', "'Better git merried right away, then. Parson Dill is tew come an' see the old lady, an' he'll dew both jobs tew oncet. "'Will yeou, Bewlah? sez I. "'Yes, Hiram, to 'blige yeou, sez she.

He is executing my orders." "Who'm yeou to give arders here, gingy whiskers? Yeou come up to the master. They've tu long ears an' vuzzy bellies, an' you nippies they in yeour pockets when they'm dead. Come on up to master! He'll boy yeou all you're a mind to. Yeou other folk bide your side fence." "Explain to the proprietor. You can explain, Sergeant," shouted King.

"I was good-natered agin by that time, an' I sez, larfin' along with her, 'Waal I've got three mittens, but I guess I might's waal hev 'nother, and that will make two pair complete. Say, Bewlah, will yeou hev me? "'Yes, I will, sez she. "'Reelly? sez I. "'Solemn trew, sez she.

Hincheliffe is blasphemious. The tow's sheered off to starboard, Sir. He'll fair pull the stern out of us." Moorshed, invisible, cursed through the megaphone into invisibility. "Aie! yeou little man-o'-war!" The voice butted through the fog with the monotonous insistence of a strayed sheep's. "We don't all like the road you'm takin'. 'Tis no road to Brixham.

Ketch me lett'n' go!" was Abel's emphatic answer. "Yeou lay still, 'n' wait t'll that man comes tew." He kept the hay-fork ready for action at the slightest sign of resistance. Mr. Bernard, in the mean time, had been getting, first his senses, and then some few of his scattered wits, a little together. "What is it?" he said. "Who'shurt? What's happened?"

Do you theenk Teresa ees the foolish girl?" "Not a hanged bit of it!" chuckled Gallup. "She was the slickest little article I ever run up ag'inst. I guess yeou're right, Teresa. I guess yeou kinder waked me up when you flung them goo-goo eyes at Frank. Fust time in my life I ever felt that way, but, by ginger! I wanted to swat him on the jaw. Great Hubbard squashes, wasn't I in love then!"

Yeou jest wasted your money, Janice Day, when you put up fer the operation, and I knowed it at the time." "Oh, I hope not, Mrs. Scattergood!" Janice replied. "Not that I care about the money; but I do, do hope that little Lottie will keep her sight. The poor, dear little thing!" "What's the matter with Lottie Drugg?" demanded Marty, from the doorway.

"Thanks, Jack, yeou allers was a good feller." After that both boys worked away like Trojans for the best part of an hour. The gold was there and Plum flung up one piece after another, until the saddle bags on both ponies were overflowing. "We've got a load!" cried Jack at last. "Any more down there?" "Plenty," was the answer. "Well, let us take this to yonder hills and hide it.