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Though the season and weather called to earnest effort, we see Sam Wiles and Zibe Turner, the monster dwarf, seated on a big log behind the barn. Turner: "I'll be wuth you in ary scrape you want to git up, but we uns must be keerful not to be ketched ag'in." Wiles: "Cordin' to my thinkin', each month we'uns war in de jug is wurth de price of a hoss." Turner: "That's yer game, is it?

Major Wurth returned and said the staff could not spare any one to go to Brussels, but that my note had been forwarded to "the" general. That was as much as I had hoped for. It was intended only as a "stay of proceedings." But the manner of the major was not reassuring.

She's goin' to wear some dimons wurth a penny. Hed it in de paper. Brung 'em home from de bank this mornin'. One o' de gang watched de feller come out o' de bank. It's all straight so fur. It's a pretty big haul to let you in de first try, an' you'll hev to run all de risks; but ef you show you're game we'll make it a bargain."

'Twus kind of a mean trick, imposin' on hospitality that-a-way; but 'twuz Bowney, you know. He hollered, an' I let him walk in front, but I kep' him covered with the revolver till I met some fellers, that tied him good an' tight. 'Twuzn't excitin' wurth a durn that is, ixcep' when his wife I s'pose 'twuz hollered, then I a'most wished I'd let him go."

"I was asked to hand this to ye." I took it in wonder. Was there something more from Detective Coogan? I tore open the envelope and read on its inclosure: "Kum tonite to the house. Shure if youre life is wurth savein. "Muther Borton." I studied the note carefully, and then turned to Policeman Corson. "When did she give you this and where?" "A lady?" said Corson with a grin. "Ah, Mr.

But from what I have seen and heard of the ex-mayor of Toledo I felt he would stand for it. The note read: "Dear Brand: "I am detained in a house with a garden where the railroad passes through the village of Ligne. Please come quick, or send some one in the legation automobile. "Richard." The officer to whom I gave this was Major Alfred Wurth, a reservist from Bernburg, on the Saale River.

They still had my passport and laissez- passer, and without a pass one could not walk a hundred yards. As the staff had but one plan, and no time in which to think of a better one, the obligation to invent a substitute plan lay upon me. The plan I thought out and which later I outlined to Major Wurth was this: Instead of putting me away at midnight, they would give me a pass back to Brussels.

"How many crumpets, at a sittin', do you think 'ud kill me off at once?" says the patient. "I don't know," says the doctor. "Do you think half-a-crown's wurth 'ud do it?" says the patient. "I think it might," says the doctor. "Three shillins' wurth 'ud be sure to do it, I s'pose?" says the patient. "Certainly," says the doctor. "Wery good," says the patient; "good-night."

"Did you hear that, Sal?" and again the big man turned excitedly to the woman. "One Thousand Dollars' wurth of gold nuggets picked right up out of a hole in th' ground in one day! Gosh, that's more gold than we ever seed in our lives! An' he found it all in one day! Good lord! in ten days he'd have Ten Thousand Dollars!

Davis, alias Jimmy Valentine." He certainly would have made a great actor. "Mr. Davis," he said, "you are free." He did not look as disappointed as I knew he would feel if I were free, so I waited for what was to follow. "You are free," he said, "under certain conditions." The conditions seemed to cheer him. He recited the conditions. They were those I had outlined to Major Wurth.