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On another occasion some bold adventurer ascended with asthmatical energy to the fourth floor, and I thought as I heard him wheeze he would never have breath enough to get down again, and wondered if the good-natured attorneys kept these wheezy old gentlemen out of charity. But it was rare indeed that the climber, unless it was the rent collector, reached that floor.

"Jeeves, I believe you've hit it." "I fancy so, sir." "Why, this is really the best thing that could have happened. If this hadn't turned up to prevent him, young Motty would have been in a sanatorium by the time Lady Malvern got back." "Exactly, sir." The more I looked at it in that way, the sounder this prison wheeze seemed to me.

Shutting her umbrella Miriam went to her dressing-table drawer.... It would be impossible, absolutely impossible... to imagine hats more beautiful.... Miriam sat on her own bed punctuating through a paper-covered comb.... Mademoiselle persisted... non, ecoutez figurez-vous the hats were of a pale straw... the colour of pepper... "Bee..." responded the comb on a short low wheeze.

Through the heavy boom of the storm without, the thresh of the rain upon the lattice casement, and the irregular whipping gusts which shook the house, the soft wheeze of the engrossing quill could be heard, the crackle of the burning logs and the heavy regular breathing of the couchant she-wolf being the only other sounds audible within the apartment.

But instantly, as the operation commenced, the clerk griped her with his long, horny fingers by the throat, with a snap so sure and energetic that not a cry, not a gasp even, or a wheeze, could escape through 'the trachea, as medical men have it; and her face and forehead purpled up, and her eyes goggled and glared in her head; and her husband looked so insanely wicked, that, as the pale picture darkened before her, and she heard curse after curse, and one foul name after another hiss off his tongue, like water off a hot iron, in her singing ears, she gave herself up for lost.

And, Lord love us, from the music-rooms still come the sounds like all the harmonies of a baby organ-factory gone on a strike. But bless you, honey, there is an eternity of difference in having to stand a thing and doing it of your own free will. As Black Charity would remark, "I don't pay 'em no mind," and let them wheeze out their mournful complaints to the same old hymns.

It was as though somebody had slapped Bertram Wooster across the face with a wet dish-rag. "You aren't suggesting that you think this scheme I have been sketching out is Jeeves's?" "Of course it is. It's no good trying to kid me, Bertie. You wouldn't have thought of a wheeze like that in a million years." There was a pause.

"Hole!" said Mr. Polly, and then for a change, and with greatly increased emphasis: "'Ole!" He paused, and then broke out with one of his private and peculiar idioms. "Oh! Beastly Silly Wheeze of a Hole!" He was sitting on a stile between two threadbare looking fields, and suffering acutely from indigestion.

But now tell me, please, what are all these things? Meal-bags?" "Do you really want to know?" "Of course I do. Now that I've got over my fright about your strangling with the asthma those shears did wheeze so! my curiosity is all alive again." "I've a cousin down in North Carolina teaching the little freedmen." "And she's to have all these sacks to tie the naughty ones up in? What a bright idea!

"Got to get back and dress and all that. Awfully glad to have seen you, and all that sort of rot." Nelly unlocked the door with her latchkey, and stood on the step. "I'll buy a fur-wrap," she said, half to herself. "Great wheeze! I should!" "And some nuts for Bill!" "Bill?" "The parrot." "Oh, the jolly old parrot! Rather! Well, cheerio!" "Good-bye . . . You've been awfully good to me."