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In this nest beneath the ash-tree they sat till they heard the organ wheeze and the furious sound of the last hymn, and saw the brisk coming-forth with its air of, 'Thank God! And now, to eat! till at last there was no stir again about the little church no stir at all save that of nature's ceaseless thanksgiving....

That evening the old trainer, driving through the village, came on the discomfited artist and drew up to have a word with him. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" began the old man in his sympathetic wheeze. "This is a bad job to be sure, Mr. Joses. So that long mare o' mine had a shot at your pore brain-box. When I heard, I wep' a tear, I did reelly." He shook a sorrowful head.

It was in vain that he swelled and looked big, and talked large, and endeavoured to make up by pomp of manner for poverty of matter; every home-thrust of the radical made him wheeze like a bellows, and seemed to let a volume of wind out of him.

Then the hissing noise began to dwindle down to a wheeze, and then it stopped all of a sudden. That meant that the air-pressure in the lock was the same as that in the tunnel. Paddy pushed open the door in the other end of the lock from that by which we had entered. Along the bottom of the completed tube we followed Paddy and Capps. On we trudged, fanned by the moist breath of the tunnel.

Rustle, rustle, went the leaves; a limb snapped; a growl exploded; a rattling wheeze ran shuddering on the still air; a shower of bark, scratched front the tree, clattered down on the leaves; and then a groan then thrash bound came a bear against the earth; and a torch at his nose gave Uncle Walter to cry, "Dead he's dead's a nit!

"I ain't, but I 'ain't been deaf and dumb and blind round here for three years. I can pick 'em every time. You're taking your stitch in time. You 'ain't even got a wheeze in you. Why, I bet you 'ain't never seen red!" "No!" she cried, with quick comprehension. "Sure you 'ain't!" More tears and laughter in her voice. "I'm going to-night, then at six, Mr. Blaney." "Good! And to-morrow?

Madame Beattie threw back her head on its stout muscular neck and laughed, a husky laugh much like an old man's wheeze. "No! no!" said she, approaching him and extending an ungloved hand, "not so bad as that. How are you? Tell its auntie." Jeffrey laughed. He took the hand for a brief grasp, and returned to the group of chairs, where he found a comfortable rocker for her.

She supported herself with a stick, and trusted beside to the fragile support of Peggy's arm. They were talking together in whispers. "Oh, my sakes!" exclaimed Peggy, moving her small head from side to side. "Hear you wheeze, Mis' Dow! This may be the death o' you; there, do go slow! You set here on the sidehill, an' le' me go try if I can see." "It needs more eyesight than you've got," said Mrs.

The treads were caterpillar style, and the stubby body was completely enclosed. A tiny airlock stuck out from the rear. Two men were inside, both bearded. The old man grinned at them. "Mark, Lou, meet Doc Feldman. Sit, Doc. I'm Jake Mullens, and you might say we were farmers." The motor started with a wheeze. The tractor swung about and began heading away from Southport toward the desert dunes.

Then the fire changed in his eyes, clouded, flickered, glowed went out. The last breath was expelled with a wheeze. He was dead. Then my own powers sank, and I thought that I was dying, too. Somewhere in the midst of my faintness I had a sense as if I felt, rather than heard, hasty, heavy footsteps on the bank above me.