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Not only did he sympathize as to the abomination of the Post Office clerk, but he sympathized also fully as to the positive unfitness which Lord Hampstead displayed for that station in life to which he had been called. Mr. Greenwood would sigh and wheeze and groan when the future prospects of the House of Trafford were discussed between him and her ladyship.

We'll settle down some day and be solid citizens and raise families and wheeze when we walk, but All those hills to sail over and Come on! Lez sail!" Milt attended the motion pictures every evening, and he saw them in a new way.

"'Ask the Quarter Bloke over along in the end cottage, old sport, he said with a grin, 'he'll be most 'appy, I've no doubt to personally conduct to the old pot-an-pan, and while you're there just ask him to let you have that jug of defaulters' extra milk for me. It was a 'wheeze' among the boys to send a poor innocent bloke off for this milk.

But throughout the racket the strife of tongues, the boisterous guffaw over some cheap "wheeze" the recollection of the shaded room, of that last good-bye in the cloudless noontide pressed like a living weight upon his heart. Never would it be obliterated never. Throughout the afternoon Laurence busied himself greatly over the final preparations. Lilith would not be alone.

Down below was the drone of the dynamo and the wheeze and whine of the Weir pumps. 'Go on, I said. 'Mind, the last wooden door on the right. Don't go round the corner. Understand? He looked at me for a moment and then flitted away down the long iron tunnel. I saw him poke about with his key, his body all crouched, the white bundle sticking out behind him.

When the gang plank was pulled in, and the boat began to wheeze, and grunt, and move away from the dock, and dad saw the crowd waving handkerchiefs and laughing, and saying bon voyage, he thought they were doing it all for him, and he started in to make a speech, thanking his fellow countrymen for coming to see him off, and promising them that he would prove a true representative of his beloved country in his travels abroad, and that he would be true to the stars and stripes wherever fortune might place him, and all that rot, when the boat got so far away they could not hear him, and then he came off his perch, and said, "Hennery, that little impromptu demonstration to your father, on the eve of his departure from his native land, perhaps never to return, ought to be a deep and lasting lesson to you, and to show you that the estimation in which I am held by our people, is worth millions to you, and you can point with pride to your father."

'This, added he, 'shall be William the Fourth. He then commenced lopping and docking the sides, making Bartholomew Badger bury them in a sand-pit hard by, observing, in a confidential wheeze to Mr. Sponge, 'that he had once been county-courted for a similar trespass before. The top and lop being at length disposed of, Mr. He then bundled into his carriage and drove on.

"One o' my lads," he said in his mysterious wheeze to the big young man at his side. "'No smokin', swearin', or bettin' in my stable! that's Miss Boy's rule. Gets it from Mar." The girl passed them swiftly and the old man hid his betting-book behind him. "Well, Boy, sossed him?" he asked innocently. "He's not the only one," retorted the girl.

Why should cherry blooms and sparrows dare to come again, why should that old man near him wheeze and palpitate with life, why why should he, Tatsu, be held from his one friend, Death, when she, the essence of all life and beauty, she who should have been immortal, drifted alone, helpless, a broken white sea-flower, on some black, awful tide?

Piddie"; the sort that takes off his hat to a vice-president, and holds his breath in the presence of the big wheeze. But, say, I don't want any joss-sticks burned for me. "Ditch it, Piddie," says I, "ditch it!" "I er I beg pardon?" says he. "The Sir stuff," says I. "Just because I'm behind the ground glass instead of the brass rail don't make me a sacred being, or you a lobbygow, does it?