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"They don't even give one time to dwink!" answered Vaska Denisov. "They keep dwagging the wegiment to and fwo all day. If they mean to fight, let's fight. But the devil knows what this is." "What a dandy you are today!" said Nesvitski, looking at Denisov's new cloak and saddlecloth.

'There is the warning! The pulton are out already and are coming across the plain! Get away! Let us not be seen with the boy! The men waited for an instant, and then, as another shot was fired, withdrew into the hills, silently as they had appeared. 'The wegiment is coming, said Wee Willie Winkie confidently to Miss Allardyce, 'and it's all wight. Don't cwy!

"There is the warning! The pulton are out already and are coming across the plain! Get away! Let us not be seen with the boy!" The men waited for an instant, and then, as another shot was fired, withdrew into the hills, silently as they had appeared. "The wegiment is coming," said Wee Willie Winkie, confidently, to Miss Allardyce, "and it's all wight. Don't cwy!"

It was Din Mahommed, the dismissed groom of the Colonel, who made the diversion, and an angry and heated discussion followed. Wee Willie Winkie, standing over Miss Allardyce, waited the upshot. Surely his 'wegiment, his own 'wegiment, would not desert him if they knew of his extremity.

'I knew she didn't ought to go acwoss ve wiver, and I knew ve wegiment would come to me if I sent Jack home. 'You're a hero, Winkie, said Coppy 'a pukka hero! 'I don't know what vat means, said Wee Willie Winkie, 'but you mustn't call me Winkie any no more. I'm 'Percival Will'am Will'ams. And in this manner did Wee Willie Winkie enter into his manhood.

Surely his "wegiment," his own "wegiment," would not desert him if they knew of his extremity. The riderless pony brought the news to the 195th, though there had been consternation in the Colonel's household for an hour before. The little beast came in through the parade-ground in front of the main barracks, where the men were settling down to play Spoil-five till the afternoon.

"I knew she didn't ought to go acwoss ve wiver, and I knew ve wegiment would come to me if I sent Jack home." "You're a hero, Winkie," said Coppy "a pukka hero!" "I don't know what vat means," said Wee Willie Winkie, "but you mustn't call me Winkie any no more, I'm Percival Will'am Will'ams." And in this manner did Wee Willie Winkie enter into his manhood.

Ith Jackthon acwoss?" "They're building a bridge. I don't know if they air across yet. I swum." "What did you thwim for? Where'th your jacket? What's your wegiment? '65th Virginia? Well, 65th Virginia, you appear to me a detherter " Steve began to whine. "Gawd, general, I ain't no deserter. If you'll jest have patience and listen, I kin explain " "Time'th lacking, thir.

"One used to have to be a German now one must dance with Tatawinova and Madame Kwudener, and wead Ecka'tshausen and the bwethwen. Oh, they should let that fine fellow Bonaparte lose he'd knock all this nonsense out of them! Fancy giving the command of the Semenov wegiment to a fellow like that Schwa'tz!" he cried.

"There is the warning! The pulton are out already and are coming across the plain! Get away! Let us not be seen with the boy!" The men waited for an instant, and then, as another shot was fired, withdrew into the hills, silently as they had appeared. "The wegiment is coming," said Wee Willie Winkie confidently to Miss Allardyce, "and it's all wight. Don't cwy!"