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Only, if you succeed in becoming pukka, you can rise, you know, to four hundred and fifty a month. Whereat the Principal gave him much good advice as to his conduct, and his manners, and his morals; and others, his elders, who had not been wafted into billets, talked as only Anglo-Indian lads can, of favouritism and corruption.

"I had my men, but the rest of it was pretty much alone. The nearest post that could give me orders was fifteen miles away, and we used to heliograph to them, and they used to give us orders same way too many orders." "Who was your C. 0.?" said Boileau. "Bounderby Major. Pukka Bounderby; more Bounder than pukka. He went out up Bhamo way. Shot, or cut down, last year," said The Infant.

I knew he was pukka, but I didn't know he was as pukka as this." "I must show these to William," said Mrs. Jim. "The child's wearing herself out among the babies." "Not more than you are, dear. Well, another two months ought to see us out of the wood. I'm sorry it's not in my power to recommend you for a V. C."

BLAYNE. That's just what he would do, damn him. Oh! I say, Anthony, you pretend to know everything. Have you heard about Gaddy? ANTHONY. No. Divorce Court at last? BLAYNE. Worse. He's engaged! ANTHONY. How much? He can't be! BLAYNE. He is. He's going to be married in a few weeks. Markyn told me at the Judge's this evening. It's pukka. ANTHONY. You don't say so? Holy Moses!

"I must get the plumber to put in a pukka drain-pipe to take the place of the pan," Gissing said to Fuji; but he knew that he had no intention of doing so. The ice-box pan was his private test of a good servant. A cook who forgot to empty it was too careless, he thought, to be a real success. But certainly there was some curious elixir in the air.

There stood his bridge before him in the sunlight, lacking only a few weeks' work on the girders of the three middle piers his bridge, raw and ugly as original sin, but pukka permanent to endure when all memory of the builder, yea, even of the splendid Findlayson truss, had perished. Practically, the thing was done.

"It's not the custom of either service, Okewood," he said, "to send a man to certain death. You're not in this creepy, crawly business of ours. You're a pukka soldier and keen on your job. So I want you to know that you are free to turn down this offer of mine here and now, and go back to France without my thinking a bit the worse of you." "Would you tell me something about it?" asked Desmond.

"What do you think of my rig?" demanded Dr. "Toppin'," said Julie critically. "But what in the world is it? Chiefly Waac, with three pukka stars and an R.A.M.C. badge. Teanie, how dare you do it?" "I dare do all that doth become a woman," she answered complacently. "And it doth, doth it not?

The night was as still as most nights are in real pukka jungle, that is to say it was as full of noises little quiet beast and tree noises as an egg's full of meat, and every one of them made me jump like a half broken gee shying.

There stood his bridge before him in the sunlight, lacking only a few weeks' work on the girders of the three middle piers his bridge, raw and ugly as original sin, but pukka permanent to endure when all memory of the builder, yea, even of the splendid Findlayson truss, has perished. Practically, the thing was done.