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I hae seen her gang by the window wi' him, an' spiered at Watty wha he was." "I don't like Wat's telling tales of Mary." "He dinna, Davvit, till I pit it tae him. He canna bear the tawpie, and doesna like to hae her p'inted oot as his sister. A body canna blame the laddie. It's a heap better than his fa'in' in luv wi' her." "Perhaps it is," groaned Isabel.

For short shirt thou bearest, and no beard I see, And the last wind ere moonrise about thee is blowing. Would'st thou meet with thy maiden or look'st thou for me? Bright shineth the moon now, I see thy gown longer; And down by the hazels Joan meeteth her lad: But hard is thy palm, lass, and scarcely were stronger Wat's grip than thine hand-kiss that maketh me glad.

The Sences taker in our town bein taken sick, he deppertised me to go out for him one day, and as he was too ill to giv me informashun how to perceed, I was consekently compelled to go it blind. Sittin down by the road side, I drawd up the follerin list of questions, which I proposed to ax the peple I visited: Wat's your age? Whar was you born? Air you marrid, and if so how do you like it?

You said mebby you could git his wash fer us." "No, Amarilly. I did not mean that. St. Mark's is the name of the church where he officiates. He could never under any conditions be a St. Mark." "Wat's his name?" "St. John, of course. And most people call him a rector, but really your name suits him best. He does preach sometimes to me."

Wat's tube, the one he had wrested from the dead guard on the conveyor, was being slowly raised. The Mercutian saw it, shifted the inanimate girl in front of himself, and backed stealthily toward the splintered door. "Don't shoot," Hilary cried sharply. "You'll kill Joan." Wat lowered the tube disgustedly. Hilary groaned aloud. If only he had had one more bullet.

"Wat's de matter on your face?" said Poleon. "You been fightin'?" "I ain't shaved in a long time, and this here excitement has kind of shattered my nerves. I didn't have no lookin'-glass, neither, in my shack, so I had to use a lard-can cover. Does it look bad?" "Not to my way of thinkin'," said Gale, allaying "No Creek's" anxiety. "It's more desp'rate than bad, but it sort of adds expression."

Wat's no' in? she said, glancing inquiringly round the place. 'No; he has heard of a teacher who takes evening pupils for book-keeping and these things, and has gone to make arrangements with him. Never had the nicety of her speech and her sweet, refined accent been more marked by Abel Graham.

By the auld law your debt still stands, and if I likit I could seek anither pledge. But there'll be something awin' for rescue-shot, and wi' that and the gude wark ye've dune the day, I'm content to ca' the debt paid." Wat's words sounded kind, and no doubt Wat thought himself generous. Sim had it on his tongue to ask for a cow even on a month's loan. But pride choked his speech.

Juno, because of her deafness, did not plainly hear what Drake had said, but she judged it in part from his manner and the assumed look of terror that he cast over his shoulder. So she bent forward anxiously, and asked him in a voice full of concern "Wat's dat, Massa Drake wat's dat you say?" Drake drew nearer to her and repeated what he had said. "My hebbens, Massa Drake, wat did scar you?"

Thought I was in old Wipers, I did, and see one of them blessed cru-crushifixes!" The other, rather less away, pulled at his arm. "So yer did, ole pal," he said. "It's there now. This 'ere's some Cartholic place or other. Come hon." "Strike me dead, so it is, Joe, large as life! Christ! oo'd 'ave thought it? A bloody cru-cru-chifix! Wat's old England comin' to, Joe?"