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After this Dunbar tunes forth a song of welcome to "his ain Lord Thesaurair," in which terror at this functionary's inopportune absence since quarterday we may suppose is lost in gratulations over his return. "Welcome," he cries "Welcome my benefice and my rent And all the lyflett to me lent, Welcome my pension most preclair, Welcome my awin Lord Thesaurair."

His fees were pretty much what the folk chose to give him, and he collected them once a year at Kildrummie fair. "Well, doctor, what am a' awin' ye for the wife and bairn? Ye 'ill need three notes for that nicht ye stayed in the hoose an' a' the veesits." "Havers," MacLure would answer, "prices are low, a'm hearing; gie's thirty shillings."

His fees were pretty much what the folk chose to give him, and he collected them once a year at Kildrummie fair. "Weel, doctor, what am a' awin' ye for the wife and bairn? Ye 'ill need three notes for that nicht ye stayed in the hoose an' a' the vessits." "Havers," MacLure would answer, "prices are low, a' 'm hearin'; gie 's thirty shillin's."

"What is that?" said she, looking up, and throwing back her curls, which, amidst all her grief, were never forgot. "William M'Gillavry's wife's brother," said he, "is awin our corporation £250; and his bill for that sum is in our corporation box.

"You'd never think now as the frost could touch 'em, but it did though, awin' to the wicked long winter. It got to 'em, sure 'nough, an' theer was frost in 'em when us gived 'em to the sheep, an' it rotted theer innards, poor twoads, an' they died, more'n a score." Barron listened thoughtfully to these details, then pointed to an ugly sight beyond the wurzel mound.

His fees were pretty much what the folk chose to give him, and he collected them once a year at Kildrummie fair. "Well, doctor, what am a' awin' ye for the wife and bairn? Ye 'ill need three notes for that nicht ye stayed in the hoose an' a' the veesits." "Havers," MacLure would answer, "prices are low, a'm hearing; gie's thirty shillings."

By the auld law your debt still stands, and if I likit I could seek anither pledge. But there'll be something awin' for rescue-shot, and wi' that and the gude wark ye've dune the day, I'm content to ca' the debt paid." Wat's words sounded kind, and no doubt Wat thought himself generous. Sim had it on his tongue to ask for a cow even on a month's loan. But pride choked his speech.

Besydis all this, they ar sa crewall in taking of revenge that nather have they regard to person, eage, tyme, or caus; sa ar they generallie all sa far addictit to thair awin ty rannicall opinions that, in all respects, they exceed in creweltie the maist barbarous people that ever hes bene sen the begynning of the warld." "Upon my word," said the honest major, "it is a most formidable indictment.

His fees were pretty much what the folk chose to give him, and he collected them once a year at Kildrummie fair. "Weel, doctor, what am a' awin' ye for the wife and bairn? Ye 'ill need three notes for that nicht ye stayed in the hoose an' a' the veesits." "Havers," MacLure would answer, "prices are low, a'm hearing; gie's thirty shillings."

"Na, nane ha'e I. I wad gang mysel' gien I cud be ony use," answered Mrs Mair; "but women are i' the gait whiles." "Weel, I'll no even say thank ye; I'll be awin' ye that as weel's the lave. But gien I dinna du weel, it winna be the fau't o' ane or the ither o' you twa freen's. Noo, Peter, we maun be aff." "No the nicht, surely?" said Mrs Mair, a little taken by surprise.