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As soon as Dumanau arrived in their house he made a tabalang of gold, and put the body of Wanwanyen inside of it, and he put a golden rooster on top of it. As soon as he finished he put the body of Wanwanyen inside of it. As soon as he had done this he said, "If you pass many different towns where the people get water, you rooster crow."

Not long after while they were talking, "This was my tabalang, my grandmother old woman Alokotán; bring out of hiding Wanwanyen-Aponibolinayen, so that I may take her home," said Dumanau, and the old woman Alokotán did not bring her out because she did not believe that he was the husband of Wanwanyen-Aponibolinayen; so she used magic, and when she found that he was the husband of Wanwanyen she said, "She is over there.

Not long after, "I am anxious to chew betel-nut. What is the matter with me?" said Aponigawani, who was lying down on her bed. As soon as she got up she found an oiled betel-nut which was covered with gold beside her. "Do not cut me; I came to invite you to the balaua which Wanwanyen and Dumanau make," said the betel-nut, when she took it intending to cut it.

Aponibolinayen, the mother of Dumanau, begged the pardon of Dumanau and his wife, for she did not know that his wife was the daughter of Aponigawani and Aponibalagen, who was her brother. Not long after they gave the marriage price. "I use my power so that the balaua of Wanwanyen and Dumanau is nine times filled," said Aponibolinayen, and it was nine times filled with different kinds of jars.

"Ala, let us build balaua anyway." Not long after they commanded people to pound rice, and as soon as Wanwanyen was ready she commanded someone to go and secure the betel-nuts which were covered with gold. As soon as they arrived they oiled them. When it became evening they made Libon. The next morning they sent the betel-nuts to invite their relatives. So they went.

Not long after they went across the river and some of the people who were dipping water went to notify the people making balaua that the visitors were there, so Dumanau and Wanwanyen went to the gate of the town and met them there and made alawig. Aponigawani and Aponibolinayen looked at the woman who was the wife of Dumanau and she was almost the same as Aponigawani.

You are the cause of my son being lost, and we spent much time to find him. What did you come here for, worthless woman?" said Aponibolinayen. Wanwanyen-Aponibolinayen did not answer her. Not long after Dumanau arrived at their house and Wanwanyen said to him, "It is true what I told you. I told you not to go and you did truly, and your mother came and said many bad words.

"It is true that I said bad words to her, because I did not know that we were related, though I am your relative; forgive me, daughter, your father is my brother," said Aponibolinayen to Wanwanyen. Not long after they drank basi, for they knew each other and made friends. As soon as they drank they danced during one month.

"I use my magic so that this house we are in goes to Kadalayapan. You stand there by our house," he said; so the little house went there while they were asleep. The next morning Wanwanyen was surprised because many chickens were crowing and many people were talking, and when she went to look out of the window there were many houses.

I hid her." So she went to get her and Dumanau, was joyful, for he saw Wanwanyen alive again. "Ala, now grandmother old woman Alokotán, how much must I pay, because you saved my wife Wanwanyen?" "That is all right, no pay at all. That is why I stay in this place so as to watch and see if any of my dead relatives pass by my house and I make them alive again.