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"No talking to the man at the wheel," cried the Captain. Upon which we all laughed. "Spin!" added my grandfather. Sailor Ben resumed: "I leave you to guess the wretchedness as fell upon me, for I've not got the gift to tell you. There I was down on the ship's books for a three years' viage, an' no help for it. I feel nigh to six hundred years old when I think how long that viage was.

The dog instantly rose, made affectionate demonstrations, and whined. "Ah, you may well say that, Cuff," replied the man; "I know you ain't easy in yer mind, and there's some reason in that, too, for we're off on a raither uncertain viage, in a somewhat unseaworthy craft. Howsever, cheer up, doggie. Whoever turns up, you and I shall sink or swim together." Just then the sail flapped. "Hallo!

There's an end to everythin', even to a whalin' viage. My heart all but choked me the day we put into New Bedford with our cargo of ile. I got my three years' pay in a lump, an' made for New York like a flash of lightnin'. The people hove to and looked at me, as I rushed through the streets like a madman, until I came to the spot where the lodgin'-house stood on West Street.

I remember the voice that bade me farewell that last night in Seville, and the gleam of dark eyes and dark hair at the foot of the stairs, as I looked back from the gate. 'Feliz viage, mi Inglesito. But these are all Spanish things, and more than half one's impressions of Andalusia are connected with the Moors.

Next day, being the 9th of May 1500, having a fair wind, the fleet weighed by signal from the general, and set sail at eight in the morning . "The whole fleete having wayed, did then begin to cut and spread their sayles with great pleasure and crie, saieng altogether, Buen viage, that is to say, a luckie and prosperous voyage.

From the mouth of Czilma vnto the mouth of the riuer Vssa, going by Petzora, is one moneths viage. From the springs of Vssa to the mouthes of the same, are numbered more then a thousand versts. Furthermore, Petzora runneth from this south winter part, from whence ascending from the mouthes of Vssa, vnto the mouthes of the riuer Stzuchogora, is three weekes viage.

"We shall now journey south through the woods until we come out upon the Christchurch road, and so onwards, hoping to-night to reach the castle of Sir William Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, of which Sir Nigel Loring is constable. There we shall bide, and it is like enough that for a month or more you may find us there, ere we are ready for our viage back to France."

Hamburgh, 1771. 8vo. Variorum in Europa Itinerum deliciae. Collectae ab. A. Clytaeo. Bremen, 1605. 8vo. Ponz Viage fuera de España in Europa. Madrid, 1785. 2 vols. 12mo. Moryson's Travels through Europe. 1617. fol. A very curious work. Itinera through the twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohemia, Prussia, Sweden, Turkey, France, Britain, &c. 1617. fol.

Lubec, 1652. 4to. Graaf, Reisen naer Asia, Africa, America, en Europa. Amsterdam, 1686. 8vo. Historia y Viage del Mundo en los cincos Partes; de la Europa, Africa, Asia, America y Magellanica. Par Levallos. Madrid, 1691. 4to. John Ovington's Voyage to Surat, with a Description of the Islands of Madeira and St. Helena. London, 1698. 8vo. Le Bruyn's Voyage to the Levant. Translated from the French.

I asked him why he didn't take me from the train at the first stopping-place and return to Rivermouth by the down train at 4.30. To use his own words, he had "shipped for the viage." This struck me as being so deliciously funny, that after I was in bed and the light was out, I couldn't help laughing aloud once or twice.