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Trois Génois avoient acheté des épices aux gens de la caravane, et ils se proposoient d'aller les vendre

Felgate was in against him rather a decent chap, one of our prefects; had me to tea in his room the other day. He and Marky don't hit it. He was lazy, and didn't bother himself. Fellows said he could easily have licked the School record if he'd tried; but he didn't; and Stafford missed it by a few inches. So that event we lost. Jolly sell, joli vendre.

C'est un ordre des dieux qui jamais ne se rompt De nous vendre bien cher les grands biens qu'ils nous font.

A jury of inquest was impaneled, and after due deliberation and inquiry they returned the inevitable American verdict which has been so familiar to our ears all the days of our lives "NOBODY TO BLAME." They happened just as they are told. Il veut faire secher de la neige au four et la vendre pour du sel blanc.

The modern pieces the most in vogue and most attractive are Le Prisonnier, l'Opera Comique, a piece so called, Le Calife de Bagdad, Maison a vendre, D'Auberge en Auberge, and a few others of the same description. All these are really pleasing comedies. The Theatre Feydeau itself was also in possession of a great number of stock-pieces, among which were some in the style of the Grand French Opera.

Je suis un inventeur Anglais. Mon nom est Butteridge. Beh. oo. teh. teh. eh. arr. I. deh. geh. eh. J'avais ici pour vendre le secret de le flying-machine. Comprenez? Vendre pour l'argent tout suite, l'argent en main. Comprenez? C'est le machine a jouer dans l'air. Comprenez? C'est le machine a faire l'oiseau. Comprenez? Balancer? Oui, exactement! Battir l'oiseau en fait, a son propre jeu.

Je vis aussi dans une halle un spectacle lamentable: c'étoient des chrétiens, hommes et femmes, que l'on vendoit. L'usagé est de les faire asseoir sur les bancs. Celui qui veut les acheter ne voit d'eux que le visage et les mains, et un peu le bras des femmes. A Damas j'avois vu vendre une fille noire, de quinze

Similar Phalli were to be found at Poligny, Vendre in the Bourbonnais, and at Auxerre. The inhabitants of Puy-en-Velay even to this day speak of their St.

J'eus occasian de voir aussi dans Andrinople des chaînes de chrétiens qu'on amenoit vendre. Ils demandoient l'aumône dans les rues. Mais le coeur saigne quand on songe

The little Marquise d'Alberas is ready to die out of spite; but the best of the joke is, that she has only taken poor de Vendre for a lover in order to vent her spleen on him. Look at him against the chimney yonder; if the Marchioness do not break at once with him by quitting him for somebody else, the poor fellow will turn an idiot.