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The modern pieces the most in vogue and most attractive are Le Prisonnier, l'Opera Comique, a piece so called, Le Calife de Bagdad, Maison a vendre, D'Auberge en Auberge, and a few others of the same description. All these are really pleasing comedies. The Theatre Feydeau itself was also in possession of a great number of stock-pieces, among which were some in the style of the Grand French Opera.

I shall terminate this article or panegyric, call it which you please, by observing that whenever MOLE shall retire from the Theatre Francais, and his age precludes a contrary hope, the best stock-pieces can no longer be acted. FLEURY. A man can no more be a comedian in spite of Thalia than a poet in spite of Minerva. Of this FLEURY affords a proof.

Therefore, in reviewing the principal scenic establishments, I shall, as I have done before, exert my endeavours not only to make you acquainted with the best performers in every department, but also with the best stock-pieces, in order that, by casting your eye on the Affiches des Spectacles, when you visit this capital, you may at once form a judgment of the quality and quantity of the entertainment you are likely to enjoy at the representation of a particular piece, in which certain performers make their appearance.

In the line of Tragedy, it is composed of the greater part of the pieces of the four principal pillars of the temple of the French Melpomene: namely CORNEILLE , RACINE, CREBILLON, and VOLTAIRE, to whom may be added DU BELLOY, as well as of some detached pieces, such as Iphigenie en Tauride by GUIMOND DE LA TOUCHE, Le Comte de Warwick and Philoctete by LA HARPE. The modern repertoire, or list of stock-pieces, is formed of the tragedies of M. M. DUCIS, CHENIER, ARNAULT, LEGOUVE, and LE MERCIER.

With the exception of one only, all the works of GLUCK have remained as stock-pieces, and are played from time to time. They are five in number; namely, Iphigenie en Aulide, Iphigenie en Tauride, Orphee et Euridice, Armide, and Alceste. That which could not maintain its ground, and consequently fell, was Narcisse.

Lyric drames are abandoned to the latter, and the old stock-pieces to such of the performers as choose to act in them for a small number of spectators who are so obliging as to enter the house with orders or free admission. OF all the repositories of old pieces that of the Comedie Italienne is the one which is the most entirely neglected.

Undoubtedly, the most striking, and, some say, the only resemblance he bears to the mirror of French comedy, is to be compelled to bring on the stage pieces in so unfinished a state as to be little more than sketches, or, in other words, he is forced to write in order to subsist his company. Thus then, the stock-pieces of this theatre are all of them of his own composition.

Previously to its taking place, the Comedie Italienne, where French comic operas only were represented, was still constituted as it was under the old regime, of which it was remarked as being the sole remnant. Formerly, the French Comic Opera was very rich in stock-pieces, chiefly written by FAVART, SEDAINE, MARMONTEL, HELE, MONVEL, MARSOLIER, HOFFMAN, and others.

GAVEAUX. He has been a good singer in his youth, and is a very agreeable composer. He always acquits himself of any part he undertakes, if not in a brilliant manner, at least with credit. Two of his musical productions are stock-pieces, and well worth seeing. L'Amour Filial is a happy imitation of the Italian school, and Sophie et Moncars is always heard with pleasure.