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"Without more or fewer of them, we should make our world into a Palace of Truth, see the Veillees du Chateau, which Matilda is reading with Miss Young. Who ever read it, that did not think the Palace of Truth the most disagreeable place in the world?" "And why?" asked Margaret.

He translated, besides these Memoirs of Baron Trenck, Mirabeau's Secret History of the Court of Berlin, Les Veillees du Chateau of Madame de Genlis, and the posthumous works of Frederick II., King of Prussia, in thirteen volumes. The Memoirs of Baron Trenck were first published at Berlin as his Merkwurdige Lebensbeschreibung, in three volumes octavo, in 1786 and 1787.

Besides these things, there were dowries paid to enable loving hearts to marry; substitutes bought for youths to whom the draft had brought despair, tender offerings of the loving woman who had said: "The happiness of others is the consolation of those who cannot themselves be happy." Such things, related at the "veillees," made the crowd immense.

Could I tell it to the END. 'Oh! said Rupert, glad to seize an opportunity of retaliating upon Elizabeth; 'I give you credit; a very ingenious compound of Thalaba, Pigwiggin, and the Tempest, and the circumstance of the witch whirling away the lady is something new. 'No, it is not, said Elizabeth; 'it is the beginning of the story of the Palace of Truth, in the Veillees du Chateau.

Loeffler is distinctly original and imaginative. His works are both poetical and musical, and they display high thought and exceptional knowledge. His compositions include a sextet, a quintet, and an octet, also a suite for violin and orchestra, "Les Veillées de l'Ukraine;" a concerto for violoncello, which has been played by Mr.

The minister, however, came to the village in 1830, and the schoolmaster soon followed, with the inevitable result of putting an end to these delightful times. Not very different is the account given by M. Luzel of the Veillées in which he has often taken part in Brittany.

The pains they take to ensure correctness are great, and their experiences in so doing are often very interesting. Happily, too, the student soon learns to distinguish the collections whose sincerity is certain from those furbished up by literary art. The latter may have purposes of amusement to serve, but beyond that they are of comparatively little use. Luzel, "Veillées," passim.

Their number was never to be thus augmented, but the idea is recalled by the chapter-headings of Les Maîtres Sonneurs, in which Étienne Despardieu, or Tiennet, the rustic narrator, tells, in the successive veillées of a month, the romance of his youth. It is a work of a very different type to the rural tales that had preceded it, and should be regarded apart from them.

Bal du Sallon des Etrangers, Rue Grange Bateliere. 27. de l'Hotel de Salm, Rue de Lille, Faubourg St. Germain. 28. de la Rue Michaudiere. Soirees amusantes de l'Hotel Longueville, Place du Carrousel. Veillees de la Cite, vis-a-vis le Palais de Justice. Phantasmagorie de Robertson, Cour des Capucines. Concert de Feydeau. Ranelagh au bois de Boulogne. Tivoli, Rue de Clichy, S.

Sometimes these veillees will be devoted to declamation and story-telling, one or two of the party reading aloud a play or poem, or reciting for the benefit of the rest. In the bitter winter nights this sociable custom is not laid aside, even ladies with their lanterns braving the snow in order to enjoy a little society.