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Aminadab's friend, "ve're all shentlemen here, and shentlemen never makish reflexunsh upon other gentlemen'sh pershuashunsh." After this feast was concluded, Gus and I retired to my room to consult about my affairs.

"Veil, vat's vanted? Vos anyding wrong?" "No, not aboard here," returned Fairfax, a bit puzzled at the reply, "We ran down to see if you were in any trouble. This is a strange place to anchor. What are you Dutch?" The fellow waved his hands in a gesture indicating disgust. "Dat's eet. Ve're out ov Rotterdam you see ze name ov ze sheep. But ve not sail frum thar dis time no.

"Nor anywhere else in the Jim River Valley, for that matter." As they approached the Roney place, looking dim and indistinct in the darkness, their voices hushed apprehensively, and the noise of the sled-runners slipping through the snow seemed to them to increase from a purr to a roar. "Here, stob a minute!" whispered Nels, in agony of discovery. "Ve're magin' an awful noise.

Dey vouldn't take it demselves if it vas handed to dem. Dey're too honest, yes. Vell, don't dey say ve're honest, too? Vell, vat more you vant? Dey don't know how much money und rubies dere is in der bank. Ve von't take all of it und dey von't know der difference. Ve burn der books. Das is all. Ve get in by der bank to-night, boys." "I don't like id," said Joost.

The proprietor of Eternal City wiped his perspiring forehead with his napkin, and started rather hurriedly to make conversation. I understood that he wanted to enjoy his dinner, and proposed to talk about something pleasant in the meantime. "I vonna tell you about dis picture ve're goin' to see took, Mr. Carpenter. I vant you should see de scale we do tings on, ven we got a big subjic.

Py dat time he vos vhistling and singin' alretty, like nodings efer happen. Ve had de big fire roarin', I tell you, and vhen I say again he safe my life he yoost laugh like it is a fine yoke an' say: 'Oh, shut up, Stefan, ve're a pair big fools to get upset, anyvays. And some tay you do yoost same ting for me, I bet. And now now I can do nodings nodings at all."

Lucky ve're most dere now." A few seconds after they had started again they came to an opening, towards which Stefan pointed, and the girl's heart sank within her. She saw nothing of the distant falls surrounded by a growth in which every twig scintillated with the frost lavished by the river's vapor.

We keeps up a steady pace, not too sewere, but vith a moderate degree o' friction, and the consekens is that ve're still a runnin' and comes in to the time reg'lar. My son Samivel, sir, as you may have read on in history, added Mr. Weller, introducing his first-born. I received Sam very graciously, but before he could say a word his father struck in again.

"So should I," nodded Mottle-face "ah, that I should." "You you told me," spluttered the fussy gentleman, in sudden wrath, "that you were coming to my valise." "An' so ve have," nodded Mottle-face, triumphantly. "Ve're at it now; ve've been a-coming to that theer blessed walise ever since you come aboard." "Well, and what's to be done about it?" snapped the fussy gentleman.

Then get the sailing boat under way, and Van Ryn will point out to you the spot on Apes' Island from which he and Svorenssen took her " "Nod me, misder; don'd you think id!" suddenly stormed the Dutchman. "You're nod my schibber now, and I don'd dake orders from you or anybody else. Ve're all equal now." "Are we?" said I, slipping my hand into my jacket pocket.