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"There vass no feet in the window," he explained, brightening. Upon that surprising phrase Average Jones pondered. "You were not to play unless there were feet the window," he said at length. "Was that it?" The musician assented. "It does look like a signal to show that Linder was in," mused the interrogator. "Do you know Linder?"

Claude pitied the girl, and used to talk with her, during his short stay, in his cheeriest manner. "Hello, Nina! How you vass, ain't it? How much cream already you got this morning? Did you hear the news, not?" "No, vot hass happened?" "Everything. Frank Mcvey's horse stepped through the bridge and broke his leg, and he's going to sue the county-mean Frank is, not the horse." "Iss dot so?"

"I'm Mart Haney you remember Mart Haney." Siegel grasped the situation. "Sure! Vy, how you vass dis dime, eh! Vell, vell you gome pack in style, ain't it? Your daughter yes?" "My wife," said Haney. Siegel raised a fat arm, which a dirty blue undershirt imperfectly draped, and Bertha shook hands with curt politeness. "Vell, vell, Mart, you must haff struck a cold-mine by now, hah?" "That's what."

Johnson, who was now advancing in dreary silence, Hay leading his horse, should arrive. Vass also walked by the side of his horse, and Joseph followed behind: as therefore he was thus attended, and seemed to be in deep meditation, I thought there could be no harm in leaving him for a little while. He called me back with a tremendous shout, and was really in a passion with me for leaving him.

Desirous, however, of sustaining the national reputation for politeness, as well as of showing my good-will to the bride, I selected the last of the phrases as probably the most appropriate, and walking solemnly, and I fear awkwardly, up I asked the bride with a very low bow, and in very bad Russian how she did; she graciously replied, "Cherasvwechiano khorasho pakornashae vass blagadoroo," and the distinguished American retired with a proud consciousness of having done his duty.

"Mein Gott, Laadham, how do you know when you haf der boil on der pack of your neck? You can'd zee him, ain'd id?" Mr. Schultze turned to Mr. Czenki. "Der dhree of us vill go und zee Mr. Wynne. Id iss der miracle! Vass iss, iss, und id don'd do any good to say id ain'd."

Old Behrman, with his red eyes, plainly streaming, shouted his contempt and derision for such idiotic imaginings. "Vass!" he cried. "Is dere people in de world mit der foolishness to die because leafs dey drop off from a confounded vine? I haf not heard of such a thing. No, I will not bose as a model for your fool hermit-dunderhead. Vy do you allow dot silly pusiness to come in der prain of her?

Vass also walked by the side of his horse, and Joseph followed behind: as therefore he was thus attended, and seemed to be in deep meditation, I thought there could be no harm in leaving him for a little while. He called me back with a tremendous shout, and was really in a passion with me for leaving him.

An hour later he was in the back room talking with the lad, Peter. "Peter," he said, "you haf learned to take naps in the day und to keep awake all through the night?" "Yes, Mynheer," replied Peter, proudly. "Then, Peter, you vass an owl, a watcher in the dark." "Yes, Mynheer." "Und I gif you praise for watching well, Peter, und also gold, which iss much more solid than praise.

But I am glat to meet you. Vill you come do der house und rest a v'ile?" "Sure!" Bill responded. "But we're neighbors, all right. Did you notice a cabin about half a mile west of here? That's our place when we're at home." "So?" The word escaped with the peculiar rising inflection of the Teuton. "I haf saw dot cabin veil ve come here. But I dink it vass abandon.