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The printer of the Ferrarese edition of the same year remarks: 'Tosto che la Fama ... mi rapportò, che in Venetia si stampava l' Aminta, ... così subito pensai, che quella sola Impressione dovesse essere ben poca per sodisfattione di tanti virtuosi, che sono desiderosi di vederla alla luce. A critical edition was prepared at Paris in the middle of the following century by Egidio Menagio of the Accademia della Crusca, and dedicated to Maria della Vergna, better known, under her married name of Madame de la Fayette, as the author of the Princesse de Clèves . In 1693 the play was attacked by Bartolomeo Ceva Grimaldi, Duke of Telese, in an address read before the Accademia degli Uniti at Naples . He was answered before the same society by Francesco Baldassare Paglia, and in 1700 appeared Giusto Fontanini's elaborate defence . To each chapter of this work is prefixed a passage from Grimaldi's address, which is then laboriously refuted.

The passage is this: Dell' Inferno: Canto xxiii. 25-27: E quei: 'S'io fossi d'impiombato vetro, L'immagine di fuor tua non trarrei Piu tosto a me, che quella dentro impetro.

"Splendid!" interrupted the Signora. "But singolare." "So much the better; did not that great English Lady wear such a jacket, and did not every one admire her, piu tosto invidia the compassione?" Isaura sighed. Now the jacket of the Signora was a subject of disquietude to her friend.

But I fastened my eyes upon the ground, and holding Benny tightly by the hand, went on into the house. It is impossible to love and to be wise. Bacon. Niente piu tosto se secca che lagrime. "This is what we must do about it," said Kilian, as we sat around the breakfast-table.

Tutta la gente in lieta fronte udiva Le graziose e finte istorielle, Ed I difetti altrui tosto scopriva Ciascuno, e non i proprj espressi in quelle; O se de' proprj sospettava, ignoti Credeali a ciascun altro, e a se sol noti.

"Can't tell that, either," was all that Kitty would say. She flipped over the next leaf. A gilded wishbone was fastened to the page by the bit of red ribbon run through it. "That's 'In Memoriam' of the grand spread at the Thanksgiving Day feast. And this button pasted on just below it, popped off the glove of Mademoiselle La Tosto the afternoon she came to the Studio Tea and Art reception.

An Italian historian of credit asserts that this ambitious design was attributed to the prince; and admits that his death was not considered as having arisen from natural causes. "E quindi nacque l'opinione dispersa allora, ch'egli mancasse di morte aiutata più tosto che naturale." Bentivoglio.

Here, for example, many authorities concur in the reading, "la quale fu si tosto a lui disponsata," "which had been so quickly betrothed to him." But we prefer to read "disposta," as being more in accordance with the remainder of the figure concerning Love.

"Splendid!" interrupted the Signora. "But singolare." "So much the better; did not that great English Lady wear such a jacket, and did not every one admire her, piu tosto invidia the compassione?" Isaura sighed. Now the jacket of the Signora was a subject of disquietude to her friend.