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He hung the bridle up in its place, put out the candle, dropped it in his pocket and made his way from the stable. As he passed Diablo's stall the big Black snorted again, and plunged in affright. "You'll get enough of that to-morror," sneered the boy. "I hope you and Ned both break your damn necks.

It's me hand that's yet onaisy wid brick-makin' and sthrange to the shtones. An ye'll wait till to-morror?" Unfortunately I did not wait.

"All right, my buck," hissed Shandy, "you wait till to-morror; you'll git the run of yer life, I'm thinkin', damn their eyes!" and he went off into a perfect torrent of imprecation against everybody at Ringwood, hushing his voice to a snarling whisper. Then he shut the door of the saddle room, sat down on the floor and pulled from his pocket a knife and stub of candle.

As I stood looking at the first course of six stones, my friend, the Tramp, stretched his strong arms out to their fullest extent and said: "Ay, but it's worruk that's good for me; give me worruk, and it's all I'll be askin' fur." I ventured to suggest that he had not yet accomplished much. "Wait till to-morror. Ah, but ye'll see thin.

"It may be so," returned our hero wearily, for he was beginning to lose heart, and the prospect opened up to him by Zook did not on the first blush of it seem very brilliant. "When could I see this old woman?" "First thing to-morror arter breakfast, sir." "Very well; then you'll come and breakfast with me at eight?" "I will, sir, with all the pleasure in life.

I presume you could look afta them, come to give youa mind to it; but I don't want to have you tied up to a lot of clothes; and I presume we should find her a comfo't in moa ways than one, both of us. I don't know what we shall want her to do, exactly; but I guess she will, if she undastands her business, and I want you should go in with me, to-morror, and find one.

So she 'greed she gwine mek a will, an' she say to me, 'Sis Dicey, you sut'ny has been good to me sence I been layin' hyeah on dis bed of 'fliction, an' I gwine will all my proputy to you. Well, I don't want to tek de money, an' she des mos' nigh fo'ce it on me, so I say yes, an' Brothah Buford he des sot an' talk to us, an' he say dat he come to-morror to bring a lawyer to draw up de will.

Tell Fan, for me, if she gits George Ludlow, her fortin will be fixed. A good many young bucks, that feels above him, might thank the powers, if they knowed as much as he, and was half as likely. Wish I had ollers did as wal as George, and my mind was peaceful as his'n. But I must go hum. I calkilate to start on a journey to-morror, for the Holland Purchase, and I've a little fixin' to dew."

I had a host of friends here where I had grown to manhood, and the first impulse was to take Cliff Street by storm. It was Cam Gentry who counselled better methods. "Now, by hen, let's have some sense," he urged, "the boy's jest got here. He's ben through life and death, er tarnation nigh akin to it. Let's let him be with his own till to-morror.

I'll go a shoe-blackin' to-morror I will. Mat. Did you ever black a shoe, Bill? Bill. I tried a boot oncet when Jim wor a blackin' for a day or two. But I made nothink on it nothink worth mentionin'. The blackin' or som'at was wrong. The gen'leman said it wur coal-dust, an he'd slog me, an' adwised me to go an' learn my trade. Mat. And what did you say to that? Bill.