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S'pose no Tom stop there, you nanitch around till you find him." "All right," said Simon. "Me nanitch, me find Tom." He considered a moment. "Halo grub stop me?" "I'll tell them to grubstake you here," Casey reassured him. "I'll pay you, too, of course." "You my tillikum," said Simon, with great dignity. "Tom my tillikum. Good! Me like you. How much you pay?"

Simon acknowledged the compliment characteristically. He produced a pipe and examined the empty bowl with interest. "Halo smokin', me!" he observed gravely. Sandy nodded and handed him a large plug. The Indian filled his pipe and put the tobacco in his pocket. "You my tillikum," he announced. "When you tenas boy I like you, you like me.

"Two dollars a day," said Casey promptly. Simon looked grieved and pained. "You my tillikum," he repeated. "S'pose my tillikum work for me, me pay him five dolla'." But Casey was unmoved by this touching appeal to friendship. "I'll remember that if I ever work for you," he replied. "Two dollars and grub is plenty.

You Siwashes are spoiled by people who don't know any better than to pay what you ask. That's all you'll get from me. Your time's worth nothing, and your cayuses rustle for themselves." And Simon accepted this ultimatum with resignation. "All right," said he. "You my tillikum; Tom my tillikum. S'pose you catch hiyu grubstake."

He made a large gesture of generous inclusion, paused for an instant, and shot a keen glance at his friend. "Cas-ee Dunne my tillikum, too." "Sure," said Sandy gravely. "We're all friends of yours, Simon." Simon nodded and considered. "All rancher my tillikum," he continued after an interval. "Ah-ha! Good!

That chicken all same my tillikum, you savvy. Hiyu good chicken; lay hiyu egg. You catch more ice drink!" And when the angry Celestial had gone he lay back in his chair, and laughed till he was weak.

Still, moonlight shootin' is chance shootin', and when a cussed mean cayuse is sashayin' round if a man hits anything but scenery he's lucky!" "I thought that old-timer, Dade, was doing the talking." "Sure he was. And I'll bet it was his tillikum, Cross, that took the first crack at us. Didn't waste no time. He's some soon, that feller. I s'pose they got a camp, somewheres.