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Before the echoes had died away others followed, until their resonance resembled continuous thunder. "Hiyu shootum!" said Simon. "You bet," the sheriff agreed. "I reckon the boys has got tired bein' moved on. Or else they been jumped sudden. That shootin's all of six miles off. Maybe more. It'll be plumb dark in no time. If there's no more shootin' it's settled by now.

Las spling me hiyu sclub, hiyu wash, hiyu sweep undeh bed. All light now." "All right for man; no good for woman," Casey explained. "Two lady come stop, Feng." "Ho!" said Feng, adjusting his mind to a new situation. "You and Tom mally him?" "No," Casey responded. "One married already. Ladies all same my friends, Feng." "No good." Feng announced with certainty. "Woman fliend no good.

All time makee too much wo'k. All time kick at glub. Mebbyso want blekfust in bed. Mebbyso bling baby. Neveh give Chinaboy a dolla'. No good. S'pose you bling woman fliend me quit. Me go back to China." "If you quit me now, one dead China boy stop," Casey threatened. He added craftily: "This lady tyee lady. All same mandarin's daughter. Hiyu rich!" "Ho!" said Feng thoughtfully. "Hiyu lich, eh?

Tyee man him come, too. Bimeby come to hiyu trail, all same road. Me lose trail. Me tell tyee man 'halo mamook." He grinned broadly. "Him klatawa back yaka illahee. Me come along alone. See where chik-chik wagon turn around. All right. Me come tell you mamook huyhuy moccasin." It was very plain to Sandy now.

But in strict confidence I may say that work on a farm in the East and on a ranch in the West are twins you can't tell t'other from which." McHale appeared as they drove up, to relieve Casey of the horses. He was freshly shaven, and dressed with unusual care. Feng, in white jacket and apron, grinned from his quarters, appraising the "hiyu lich gal," with an eye to possible dollars.

That chicken all same my tillikum, you savvy. Hiyu good chicken; lay hiyu egg. You catch more ice drink!" And when the angry Celestial had gone he lay back in his chair, and laughed till he was weak.

Hiyu chuck stop, all same skookum chuck," he observed, signifying that there was a full head of it, like a rapid. The ditches were running to the brim. After the soaking rain of the night the water was not immediately needed, but it showed that the irrigation company's works no longer controlled the supply.

Sprudell snatched eagerly at it and retired under the covers, where a loud scrunching told of his efforts to masticate the frozen tidbit. "Can you eat a little somethin', Toy? Is your rheumatiz a-hurtin' pretty bad?" "Hiyu lumatiz," a faint voice answered, "plitty bad."

Simon condescended to a measure of English which he knew well enough, but which he usually disdained on general principles. He pointed back whence he had come. Boss tyee man goodandam mad. Him say cultus man mamook raise hiyu hell. Catch hiyu skookum powder bang! Whoosh! Upshego!" He mimicked Farwell's words and gestures to a nicety.

As a rule, he did not talk much, but by and by he put his hand in the water as if to measure the speed of the current. "Contox hiyu chuck," he said in Chinook. Jim imagined he meant the river was rising and did not know if this was a drawback or not. A flood might make poling harder, but it would cover the rocks in the channel and probably leave an eddying slack along the bank.