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When they get through with them they're so thumb-marked and greasy that no one else wants them. They don't get enough golf, those Greenwichers. They don't get enough tennis. They don't get enough walking in the open places. Gosh, no! I know better than to fall for that kind of thing.

And each what you might call a Regular One-er of a love-letter. Never mind the paper being thumb-marked as well as cheaply inferior, one cannot expect all the refinements of civilisation in a beleaguered town. It was the spelling that although we know W. Keyse to be no cold orthographist occasionally gave him pause as he perused and re-perused the greasy but passionate page.

But just as I was beginning to console her with what thumb-marked scraps of platitude I could collect the only philosophy after all, such is the futility of systems, adequate to the deep issues of life the door opened and the manager announced that the police had arrived. We went through the ordeal of the proces-verbal. Anastasius, confronted with his victim, had no memory of what had occurred.

It would give him also a sense of the reality of the Latin language and the Latin literature, which he could never pick up out of a dog-eared Livy or a thumb-marked Æneid.

Once or twice in the day a tout calls and takes his 'grub, and scribbles a report in the little back parlour. Sporting papers, beer-stained and thumb-marked, lie on the tables; framed portraits of racers hang on the walls.

That is to say, if a man is to do anything worth doing, there must be a very clear marking out to himself of what he means to secure by life, and a keeping of the aim continually before him as his guide and his pole-star. Did you ever see the pretty architect's plans, that were all so white and neat when they came out of his office, after the masons have done with them-all thumb-marked and dirty?

One peculiarity of Mr Napper's book attracted her attention: she saw that, whereas the first few pages were dog's-eared and thumb-marked, the succeeding ones were as fresh as when they issued from the bookseller's hands. While she was thus waiting in suspense, she heard strange sounds coming from the office where Vincent worked.

So they say of the most cold-blooded realism: 'This is romance. How interesting! And of over-handled, thumb-marked realism: 'This is indeed romance! It is the next century that, looking over its own, will see the heroes of our time clearly.

I gave her a little bread, wishing her well away: but alack! no sooner had she gone than my child sickened and hath not recovered since." The Syed then asks her to drop a pice upon a paper covered with magic squares; which being done, he consults a thumb-marked manuscript and decides that the child is a victim of the Evil Eye.

No, the thumb-marked, dog's-eared, grimy ones were, as always, "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn" and "Marching Against the Iroquois." A hot enough little room in the Texas summers. A cold enough little room in the Texas winters. But his own. And quiet.