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And if you think that little thumb-marked book wasn't in my bag at that minute, you don't think right, that's all. Dad said a few fatherly things to me before I went, like the all-round trump he is, and I was glad to have him. I could stand that all right. But I couldn't have borne anything from Mother not then and she knew it. How did she know? That's what gets me.

Yes, ma'am; I got it. I'll show what it says about the black ox " "No; you needn't," Miss Philly said; "you pick some more seeds for me, and I'll just look at it." She touched the stained old book with shrinking fingertips; the moldering leather cover and the odor of soiled and thumb-marked leaves offended her.

There was a table, two chairs, a painted plaster statue of a gray-bearded man in black standing on a small bracket with a crook in his hand; a pious book, much thumb-marked, lay face downwards on the table beside the oil lamp. There was another door through which the monk had disappeared, and that was absolutely all.

These books have the venerableness which belongs to ancient writings. With what interest and care we handle a very old book, and turn its well-worn pages, thumb-marked and dog-eared by men of Oxford or of Florence in the Middle Ages! Unless we are the baldest materialists, we will not reserve for the parchment body of some old book the respect called forth by its soul.

As a matter of fact, he had no voice and never would have, but almost from the first he knew how to sing. It so happened that he was drawn to the piano by a singular thing: a note from his beloved. It came one morning thumb-marked about the sealing, and covered with the generous sprawl of her writing.

The next moment she was standing erect at her bureau, and with a pair of scissors she severed the string and dropped the grass tuft to the floor. The paper was folded and thumb-marked by dirty hands. With shaking fingers and tense nerves she deliberately unfolded it. It was a note, and she read it eagerly. "You sold the lives of men for a price. You had it your way then.