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"Quick ut is," sez Kiss, t'rowin' him the kyard; an' ut fell face up on his knee Black Jack! 'Thin they all cackled wid laughin'. "Duty thrippence," sez wan av thim, "an' damned cheap at that price!" But I cud see they all dhrew a little away from Vulmea an' lef' him sittin' playin' wid the kyard. Vulmea sez no word for a whoile but licked his lips cat-ways.

In winter I sleeps in a lodgin' 'ouse w'en I can but as it costs thrippence a night, I finds it too expensive, an' usually prefers a railway arch, or a corner in Covent Garden Market, under a cart or a barrow, or inside of a empty sugar-barrel anywhere so long's I'm let alone; but what with the rain, the wind, the cold, and the bobbies, I may be said to sleep under difficulties.

'Here and there, I kenna whaur; but I hae gien the weicht o' 't for 't a' the same rinnin' here an' rinnin' there, cairryin' boxes till an' frae the smacks, an' doin' a'thing whether they bade me or no. Yesterday mornin' I got thrippence by hingin' aboot the Royal afore the coches startit. I luikit a' up and doon the street till I saw somebody hine awa wi' a porkmanty.

"O laddie," quoth he, jerking grimy thumb at his companion, "will ye 'ark to this brimstone witch been clackin' away all along from Sevenoaks, she 'ave! Gimme a tanner an' she's yourn say thrippence say a penny!" At this the woman started to berate him again and he to whistling.

There was a wherry just pushing out from Old Marigold stairs with a single passenger, a gardener with a basket of truck. "Holloa!" cried Nick, hurrying down; "will ye take me across?" "For thrippence," said the boatman, hauling the wherry alongside again with his hook. Thrippence? Nick stopped, dismayed. Master Carew had his gold rose-noble, and he had not thought of the fare.

He is only three and a half "thrippence, ha'penny," he says if you ask him, but beguiling oh, as beguiling as Cleopatra, or the serpent in the Garden of Eden, or or as his mother! Billy and I went to look at the sconce on my way up-stairs, and he called me back twice, saying, "Tattah, I want to kiss you," which I could but feel was something due to the promised candy on the sconce.

"Fourpence apiece for the fine ones," I answered glibly, hoping it was enough, "thrippence for the small ones; sixpence for a bunch of sweet peas, tuppence apiece for buttonhole carnations." Each of the ladies took some roses and mignonette, and the gentlemen, who did not care for carnations in the least, weakened when I approached modestly to pin them in their coats, a la barmaid.

And it wad hae to come aff o' my tay or something ither 'at I wad ill miss." "Weel, that may be a' verra true," rejoined Bruce; "but a body maun hae their ain for a' that. Wadna the kirk gie ye the ither thrippence?" "Do ye think I wad tak frae the kirk to pit into your till?" "Weel, say saivenpence, than, and we'll be quits."

We have heard much of the "good old times when things were cheap," but Captain Ben's book proves that not all commodities were cheap in his day. Calico, for instance, is set down at three and six a yard that is, eighty-five cents. Handkerchiefs at two shillings thrippence each, sugar at a shilling per pound, which is more than double our war-time prices.

An' gin ye mak ither thrippence a week oot o' that, ye'll be turnin' the wather that He sent to ca my mill into your dam; an' I doot it'll play ill water wi' your wheels." "Hoot, hoot! Tibbie, woman! It gangs sair against me to appear to be hard-hertit." "I hae nae doobt. Ye dinna want to appear sae.