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I am giving away my old horses, and anybody is welcome to my saddles and horse-furniture. "Singula de nobis anni praedantur euntes; Eripuere jocos, venerem, convivia, ladum; Tendunt extorquere poemata." "Our years keep taking toll as they move on; My feasts, my frolics, are already gone, And now, it seems, my verses must go too."

In the next place the use of Modesty is to keep a man from writing an epic poem at all but, if he will have that impudence, why then he had better have the courage to plunge into the Castalian stream, like Virgil and Lucan, not crawl in funking and holding on by the Muse's apron-string. But excuse me quorsum haec tam putida tendunt?

In media India transitur per multas insulas vsque ad mare Oceanum, in insulam Ormuz, vbi Mercatores Venetiae saepe tendunt, sed viri, qui assueti non sunt tantum sustinere calorem, ne exeant perpendicula de corporibus prope ad genua, ibi se contra hoc debite inuoluunt, et ligant, nec audent ibi transire nauibus ferrum continentibus, ne teneantur de rupibus adamantum.

Sunt autem crocodili speciales serpentes, coloris virgulati de croceo et nigro, cum quatuor cruribus, et tibijs et latis pedum vngulis. Aliqui horum habent longitudinem quinque tensarum, aut citra, qui dum tendunt per arenosa relinquunt signum semitae, acsi sit ibi tractus grandis arboris truncus.