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Hartwig at Dorpat on August 31; but it was found to have been already seen, on the 19th, by Mr. Isaac W. Ward of Belfast, and on the 17th by M. Ludovic Gully of Rouen. The negative observations, on the 16th, of Tempel and Max Wolf, limited very narrowly the epoch of the apparition. Nevertheless, it did not, like most temporaries, attain its maximum brightness all at once.

It was, nevertheless, a splendid object in comparison with a telescopic nebulosity discovered by Tempel at Marseilles, December 19, 1865. This, the sole comet of 1866, slipped past perihelion, January 11, without pomp of train or other appendages, and might have seemed hardly worth the trouble of pursuing.

The advanced guard of infantry, under Sir Francis Vere consisting of two thousand six hundred Englishmen, and two thousand eight hundred Frisians, with some companies of horse, followed by the battalia under Solms, and the rearguard under Tempel then slowly and with difficulty moved along the same dangerous path with the water as high as their armpits, and often rising nearly over their heads.

Dein /Wohl/ is unser /Stolz/, dein /Leiden/, unser /Schmerz/, /Und/ Hendel's /Tempel ist der Musensoehne Herz/." These have no remarkable effect in English, as to us the words of Latin origin are often as familiar as those which have Teutonic roots; and these form the chief peculiarity of the style.

Joachim und Anna weihen ihre Tochter Maria im Tempel. Die Vorstellung der Jungfrau im Tempel. Nov. 21. In the interval between the birth of Mary and her consecration in the temple, there is no incident which I can remember as being important or popular as a subject of art.

A comet discovered by Tempel, July 4, brightened until it appeared like a star somewhat below the second magnitude, with a feeble tail 30° in length. It was remarkable as having, on August 7, almost totally eclipsed a small star a very rare occurrence.

So at Babylon, at least, according to Herodotus. Bit pirishti. IIR. 50, obverse, 6. Peters' Nippur, ii. chapter vi. Schick, Die Stiftschütte, der Tempel, und der Tempelplatz der Jetztzeit, pp. 8, 9. The present structure, though comparatively modern, is built after ancient models. Schick, ib. pp. 125-131. Die Stiftshütte, der Tempel, und der Tempelplatz der Jeiztzeit, p. 82.

The rearguard under Tempel was made up, like the other divisions, of the blended nationalities of German, Briton, Hollander, and Walloon, and, like the others, was garnished at each flank with heavy cavalry. The Spanish army, after coming nearly within cannon-shot of their adversary, paused.

The advanced guard of infantry, under Sir Francis Vere consisting of two thousand six hundred Englishmen, and two thousand eight hundred Frisians, with some companies of horse, followed by the battalia under Solms, and the rearguard under Tempel then slowly and with difficulty moved along the same dangerous path with the water as high as their armpits, and often rising nearly over their heads.

Among them I stood up with a beating heart to watch the dangerous encounters between those doughty champions. When several bouts had been finished, two men came on to the 'pitch, Tempel, the president of the Markomanen, and a certain Wohlfart, an old stager, already in his fourteenth half-year of study, with whom I also was booked for an encounter later on.