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But his mercantile pursuits did not hinder him from study, and his high living did not interfere with his high thinking. His palatial home at Ustye, in Mohilev, became a refuge for all needy Talmudists and Maskilim, whom he helped with the liberality of a Maecenas; he conducted an extensive correspondence on rabbinic literature, and for many years supported Doctor Schick and Mendel Levin.

He will be able to classify the endocrine traits of the population exposed, and to advise a course of glandular feeding for the types specially liable. The Schick test for diphtheria susceptibility is an illustration of one method of approach to the problem of the epidemiologist in settling who needs protection.

At the Royal Academy, 1903, she exhibited a medallion portrait in bronze. <b>GRATZ, MARIE.</b> Born at Karlsruhe, 1839. This portrait painter was a pupil of Bergmann, and later of Schick and Canon. Among her best-known portraits are those of Prince and Princess Lippe-Detmold, Princess Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Prince Wittgenstein, the hereditary Princess Reuss, and Princess Biron von Kurland.

As Schick was the first Jew to translate from English into Hebrew, so Bennett was the first after Manasseh ben Israel to write in English in behalf of his people.

For Doctor Schick he built a laboratory, and filled his library with rare manuscripts and works on Jewish and secular subjects. Even among the conservative Talmudists signs of improvement were not wanting. The Gaon became the centre of a group of enlightened friends and disciples, who continued in his footsteps after his death.

His pupils, such as Doctor Schick and Rabbi Benjamin and Rabbi Zelmele, influenced their contemporaries either directly, by bringing them in touch with the new learning, or indirectly, by reforming the school system and the method of Talmud study.

Their symbolic character, apart from other evidence, may be concluded from the circumstance that, as Schick has shown, the columns stood free, and did not serve as a support for any part of the gateway. There is no need, therefore, for any hesitation in comparing these two columns, whose presence in the Solomonic structure is certainly due to foreign influence, to those found at Nippur.

So at Babylon, at least, according to Herodotus. Bit pirishti. IIR. 50, obverse, 6. Peters' Nippur, ii. chapter vi. Schick, Die Stiftschütte, der Tempel, und der Tempelplatz der Jetztzeit, pp. 8, 9. The present structure, though comparatively modern, is built after ancient models. Schick, ib. pp. 125-131. Die Stiftshütte, der Tempel, und der Tempelplatz der Jeiztzeit, p. 82.

The rabbis of Brest, Slutsk, and Lublin gave laudatory recommendations to Judah Löb Margolioth's popular works of natural science, which form a little encyclopedia by themselves. The writings of Baruch Schick of Shklov, referred to above, were accorded the same welcome.

Schoenecke, a German lady, whose father, named Schick, spent fifty-six years of his life in Jerusalem. From what information Mr.