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Clean and season a trout with salt, black pepper and cayenne. Lay in a baking-pan; dredge with flour; sprinkle with parsley and bits of butter; add a little water and vinegar. Let bake in a hot oven. Baste often with butter until done. Garnish with parsley and serve hot with cream sauce. Jewish Stewed Sweetbreads.

Serve them up with melted butter and ketchup, garnished with crisped parsley, and thin slices of toasted bacon. SWEETBREADS RAGOUT. Cut them about the size of a walnut, wash and dry them, then fry them of a fine brown. Pour on them a good gravy, seasoned with salt, pepper, allspice, and either mushrooms or mushroom ketchup, adding truffles and morels, if approved.

One pair of thoroughly cooked sweetbreads may be chopped with the chicken, or you may add a pair of parboiled calf's brains; this increases quantity, and makes the croquettes more creamy. This should make sixteen large cylinders or pyramids, serving sixteen persons. The meat from the chicken after it is chopped should measure one quart.

To these likewise may be added, truffles, morels, mushrooms, sweetbreads cut into small bits, and cocks' combs blanched, if approved. It will be very good without any of the latter additions, but a rich gravy must be prepared, and poured in after baking. To make a rich veal pie, cut steaks from a neck or breast of veal, season them with pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a very little clove in powder.

Kivi shouted then. The women hurried forward with the food, and we fell to with a will. Pig and popoi, shark sweetbreads, roasted breadfruit and sweet potatoes, fruits and cocoanut-milk leaped from the broad leaf platters to wide-open mouths. Hardly a word was spoken.

"In the hunting-field with anybody, with women endlessly, with meanness like a snail, and when his blood was up, to the most nonsensical place you can think of." Forks only for sweetbreads! Gaston picked one up. "He went there." "Who told you?" "I came from there." "Where is it?" "A few hundred miles from the Arctic circle." "Oh, I didn't think it was that climate!" "It never is till you arrive.

The rich man is hardly likely to choose much of this food, the tongue and sweetbreads being the only dainty bits; but there are wholesome and savory dishes to be made from every part, and the knowledge of their preparation may be of greatest value to a poorer neighbor. Both ox-tails and head make excellent soup.

The ham may always be omitted where the flavor is objected to. For those who like it, it adds very much to sweetbreads, but would be out of place with game, which should depend on its own individual flavor. Cutlets of Sweetbreads. Soak a pair of sweetbreads in salt and water for an hour longer if there is much blood about them; then cook them half an hour in stock.

She is forever thinking of others and their comforts. She grudges neither time nor money, does not Peachie. There is nothing calculating or cheese-paring about her not enough, I often think. Fish, sweetbreads, game, poultry, and all of the very best where the profits are to come from with a bill of fare like that passes my powers of arithmetic, and so I point out to her.

And remember that I can't, and won't, pay for sweetbreads at a dollar and a half a pair." "Why, bless you!" said the butcher, grinning, "I've never seen the lady. She always telephones. She's some relative of yours, isn't she, Mr. Day? She certainly does order high-handed." "And she wanted to do the marketing herself," groaned Broxton Day, as he went away after paying the bill.