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Bute measured out the glasses of wine which Miss Crawley was daily allowed to take, with irresistible accuracy, greatly to the annoyance of Firkin and the butler, who found themselves deprived of control over even the sherry-bottle. She apportioned the sweetbreads, jellies, chickens; their quantity and order.

Add sweetbreads, mushrooms, and two hard-boiled eggs chopped very fine. Wash and lay your sweetbreads in slightly salted cold water for an hour; Pull off carefully all the outer skin, wipe dry and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat some goose-fat in a spider, lay in the sweetbreads and fry slowly on the back of the stove, turning frequently until they are a nice brown.

Put a large tablespoonful of butter in a sauce pan to melt without browning; add an even tablespoonful of flour, mix until smooth; add a half pint of cream, stir continually until it boils; add a half teaspoonful of salt, a dash of white pepper; the mushrooms and sweetbreads mix and stand over boiling water for five minutes. Serve in paper cases, silver shells or in puff-paste cases.

Skim off any butter that comes to the surface, add the sweetbreads, cook gently ten minutes longer, and serve in either pate cases, ramekin dishes, or paper cases. This will serve eight persons. 2 pairs of calves' sweetbreads 1 can of French peas 3 tablespoonfuls of butter 2 tablespoonfuls of glaze 1 teaspoonful of salt 1 saltspoonful of pepper

What else, Mona?" "Oh, here are some queer looking things from the butcher's. I don't know what they are. Can they be brains?" "No, they're sweetbreads, and fine ones, too. And here is the romaine for the salad, and lovely squabs to roast. Oh, Mona, I'm just in my element! I LOVE to do these things; you know I'm a born cook. But I must have a helper." "I know; Marie always helped Francois.

When cool, form into croquettes, roll first in cracker or bread crumbs, then in egg, and again in crumbs and fry in boiling lard. From SEÑORA TERESA ARMIJO DE SYMINGTON, of New Mexico. Soak and blanch your sweetbreads, cut them into equal sizes and remove the skins and little pipes. Take about three dozen fine oysters, strain off the liquor.

Well, with our oysters we had a delicate French wine, though I am told that formerly Spanish wines were served. A delicious soup followed the oysters, and then we had fish with sliced cucumbers dressed with oil and vinegar, like a salad; and I suppose you will ask what we could possibly have eaten more. But this was only the beginning, and next there came a course of sweetbreads with green peas.

It must stand quite upright in the steamer. Turn out on a hot dish, and pour any rich brown sauce preferred around it. This soufflé may be made of sweetbreads, or half and half.

Breast of a large turkey; five sweetbreads; one and one-half pint of milk; one-half pound butter; five tablespoonfuls of flour; two eggs. Chop the turkey and sweetbreads very fine, using a silver knife for chopping the sweetbreads. Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately as you would for a cake.

She broke into her rare laugh, soft, deep-throated, and contagious. Under it his spirits rose dizzyingly. "You are feeding half the people in this building," she said, "not to mention Sam and his home circle. Sam has absorbed roast chicken, cold partridge, quail, and sweetbreads till he is getting critical. He asked me this morning if I shouldn't like ham and eggs for a change!"