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That excellent gentleman, deeming that the mourner wanted comfort, and that high feeding was likely to do him infinite service, availed himself of these opportunities to such good purpose, that they kept quite a dainty table during this melancholy season; with sweetbreads, stewed kidneys, oysters, and other such light viands for supper every night; over which, and sundry jorums of hot punch, Mr Pecksniff delivered such moral reflections and spiritual consolation as might have converted a Heathen especially if he had had but an imperfect acquaintance with the English tongue.

Put on well-buttered baking-plates, sprinkled with flour, and bake in a moderate oven until a rich brown. Serve with wine. French Braised Sweetbread. Parboil the sweetbreads; drain. Put in the baking-pan with a piece of salt pork, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 bay-leaf and a sprig of thyme, all cut fine. Sprinkle with pepper, dredge with flour; add 1/2 cup of stock. Let cook in the oven until done.

The above receipts are adapted for sweetbreads fricasseed, except that they must be cut in pieces for fricassees, and pieces of meat or poultry are added to them; sweetbreads when dressed whole look better piqués.

When the vegetables are tender, add to the simmering sweetbreads. Thicken the sauce with a teaspoon of flour. Have the sauce boiled down quite thick. Boil the spaghetti in salted water until tender. Serve with the sweetbreads. Take the breast of chicken that has been fricasseed, cut up into small pieces, and add mushrooms. Make brown sauce. Serve in paté shells.

Lift them out on to a very hot dish, add juice of one-half lemon and one teaspoon of potato flour to the gravy, stir smoothly, and boil up, pour over the sweetbreads and serve at once. Cut up two pounds of chuck steak; put it on to stew with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg and the juice of a lemon. Cook a few forcemeat balls, made very small, and a few potatoes cut in small pieces.

Cut the boiled sweetbreads into small dice with a silver knife. Mix with mushrooms, using half the quantity of mushrooms that you have of sweetbreads. Use two eggs in the sauce. Veal is often mixed with chicken, or is used alone as a substitute for chicken. Season in same manner and make the same combinations.

Take all the fat off sweetbreads; throw into boiling water; add one teaspoonful of salt and let stand on fire for twenty minutes; take from fire, remove all skin and pick to pieces.

Praise had hitherto never been withheld, and to please him no labor was too great, no time too precious to be expended; but if this was what she was to get Caddie was Irish, and she threw birds and sweetbreads in the slop-can and slammed the door in Moses's face. "No, siree!

And Tony dear," he laid his hand impressively on Tony's arm, while his voice sank to the pitch of deep emotion, "she has a cook a cook ah, me!" He smacked his lips, as at an unutterable recollection. "She brought him with her from Italy. He has a method of preparing sweetbreads well, you wait. His name is Serafino and no wonder.

Walk with him in the fields and, from the full stores of a prodigious memory, he would pour forth pages of the choicest poetry. But if you paused to watch the lambs play, or disturbed a young calf in your path, he would almost involuntarily exclaim: 'How deliciously you smell of mint, my pet! or 'Bless your innocent face! What sweetbreads you will provide! James Wigan had kept a school once.