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I did endevor fort, did I not, Captaine? Suc. Yes, there are others to as well as you; yes, she has struck her top sayle to a man of warr; she has bin boarded, sir, I can assure you. Sir Hu. What impudent slaves are these! But are you sure the gentlewoman is with child? Sir Gef. Sure? doe you question it, Sir? Bunch, be ready, Bunch, to write their confessions quickly. Bunch.

A perception caused him to withdraw his own eyes from hers as suddenly as if he had been caught in a theft. Recollection of the strange antics she had indulged in when passing through the trees, was suc- ceeded in the girl by a nettled palpitation, and that by a hot face.

Goe you in, Ile follow you. Suc. Farewell, Steward. Mus. Dee heare, Captaine? Suc. With me, my fine treble knave? umh, thou dost tickle minikin as nimbly Mus. We hope your worship will consider our paines? Suc. How, my fine knave? letts see, who were the dauncers? Mus. Come forward there! nay, I told you he was ever bountifull: oh, good Captaine! Suc.

I lay my life a Tinker. Crac. And in his parish of account. Cla. A Scavenger. Bel. Is it a badge of your profession To be uncivell? Suc. Uncivell! Noe; what is in other men uncivill In us is resolution; therefore yeild: I am invincible, flesh cannot stand Before me. Bel. It must be drunke then. Cla. I am not ith humour now To laugh, or else Ide not dismisse him yet. Good Mr.

Hold your peace, be wise: that fellow In the blew garment has a countenance Presages losse of limme if we encounter. Ile meet you presently. Bon. It shall not serve your turne yet: Ile not blunt My sword upon such stock fish. Grimes, bestow Thy timber on them. Grimes. Suc. Bel. Oh, my Deare Bonvill. Bon.

Call her, I care not if she heare me, I councell better than your physician: every night drinke a good cup of muscadine, you will not have moysture left to ingender spitle to cleanse thy mouth ith morning. Cla. Will you goe? Sister, I have shakd mine off. What stayes this nifle for? Crac. Nay, call me what you will, she is my prise, And I will keepe her. Captaine, to her Captaine. Suc.

Nephew, demeane your selfe with all respect Toward the gentlewoman you affect. You must learne with here since the citty Could spare you none. Ile to the lady. Crac. Captaine, shalls into th'Celler, Captaine? Suc. I like the Motion. Crac. Come away, then: there is indifferent liquor in this house, but that ith towne is most abominable. Weele drinke our owne healths, Captaine. Suc.

I meane mony. Sir Geff. O mony, Nephew: Ide thought youde learnd ith Citty How to use mony: here we do imploy it To purchase land and other necessaries. Suc. Infamy to fame and noble reputation! Old man, dost thou disdaine valour? I tell thee, Catterpillar, I must have mony. Sir Geff. 'Tis reason good you should; it is fitting to cherish men of armes.

You have bin a traviler: had I best do it in the Italian garbe or with a Spanish gravity? your French mode is grown so common every vintners boy has it as perfect as his anon, anon, sir. Hum, I must consider on it. Crac. Nay, but uncle, uncle, shall we have answeare concerning this mony, uncle? You must disburse; that is the souldiers phrase. You see this man; regard him. Suc. Death of vallor!

I long till I receive the audience of it. Tim. Lady. Ile thinke of it. Enter Sucket and Crackby . Suc. Come, deport your selfe with a more elated countenance: a personage of your rare endowments so dejected!