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There is something painfully human in these unequal virtues and mortal frailties of the best. Still more painful is the bearing of those "stammering professors" in the house of sickness and under the terror of death. It is beyond a doubt to me that, somehow or other, the dog connects together, or confounds, the uneasiness of sickness and the consciousness of guilt.

And mad with love, stammering, humbling himself before her, he implored her to consent to marry him, to give him the right to go everywhere with her, to defend her; then words failed him, his voice was choked by a passionate sob, so deep, so heart-rending, that it might well have touched any heart, especially in presence of that gorgeous scenery lying impassive in the perfumed, enervating heat.

You're no doubt hard up like other people." "But but," Samuel began stammering again. "Why didn't you come straight to me instead of here?" George put on a confidential look. "The fact is," said he, "Mary wouldn't. She's vexed. You know how women are. They never understand things especially money." "Vexed with me?" "Yes." "But why?" Again Samuel felt like a culprit.

There is something painfully human in these unequal virtues and mortal frailties of the best. Still more painful is the bearing of those "stammering professors" in the house of sickness and under the terror of death. It is beyond a doubt to me that, somehow or other, the dog connects together, or confounds, the uneasiness of sickness and the consciousness of guilt.

In spite of her most valiant efforts her hands trembled, and wrong chords crept in. She kept bravely at it, however, and managed to reach the end of the first movement, where she called a halt. "It's not talking it's only stuttering and stammering on the piano," she apologized. Dr. Linton laughed. Her remark had evidently pleased him. He always liked a pupil who fell in with his humor.

He could not lie, even in an affair of love, and was altogether destitute of those honest subterfuges, subterfuges honest in such position, of which a dozen would have been at once at the command of any woman, and with one of which, sufficient for the moment, most men would have been able to arm themselves. "Indeed, yes," he said, almost stammering as he spoke.

And if the tribe was worthy to survive, because its regulations were better than those of its rivals, or perhaps as nearly just and right as were well possible, it was altogether best and right it should be so. The voice of the people was, in a very rude, stammering way, the voice of God.

I have just seen my sister, and she told me herself in so many words that she intended to marry you." To his amazement he found his hand violently shaken. "My dear old man!" Kirk was stammering in his delight. "My dear old sport, you don't know what a weight you've taken off my mind. You know how it is. A fellow falls in love and instantly starts thinking he hasn't a chance on earth.

In the evening, on a stage cleverly made by Sergeant Taylor, the dramatic company would act some play that appealed to their emotions, or a concert party would indulge them with a medley of ragtime and sentimental songs, Addison's Stammering Sam alternating with Sergeant Shields' When Irish Eyes are Smiling. The taste of Lancashire is catholic.

The little fellow broke into a stammering torrent of Gaelic. "What does it say, what does it say?" he asked: "it is calling, calling, calling, and no one will answer it; it is telling something, and I cannot understand. Oh, I am sorry for it, and " "You must be very hungry, poor boy," said the Paymaster. "Come away down, and Miss Mary will give you dinner.