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And, my friends, that issue will live and breathe and burn when the poor, feeble, stammering tongues of Judge Douglas and myself are silent in the grave." The crowd swayed as if smitten by a mighty wind. The simple words, and the manner in which they were spoken, touched every heart to the core. Lincoln spoke in all about fifty times during the campaign. At its close, says Mr.

He picked up certain things about her her appearance, her trick of stammering, and of playing with her fingers, and about her grave and so on: and then, finally, made his appearance in her shape." "I don't understand about that," murmured the girl. "Oh! my dear, I can't bother about that now. There's a lot about astral substance, and so on. Besides, this is only what Mr. Cathcart says.

His next move she anticipated. Her eyes fastened on the window, while she waited breathlessly. Her heart was stammering furiously. Moments passed, in which she had to set her teeth to keep from screaming aloud. The revolver was shaking so that she had to steady the barrel with her left hand.

And more, with unwanted, stammering loquacity, to that effect, with fire of eye, with un-called-for, excited repetition. The Cold-Hearted Fates When Mrs. Day and her daughters had retired that night, their boarder sat up writing a letter. Deleah found it pushed under her plate at breakfast the next morning, Gibbon always breakfasting early and alone. "I think you behaved nobly," the letter ran.

In all his wonderful array of terminology there were no words fitted to this undreamed need; he had to discover them somehow, by main strength make them up for himself; and they came out stammering, hard-wrung, bearing new upon their rough faces the mint-mark of his own heart. Perhaps she did not prize them any the less on that account. "I'm glad that you love me that way Henry.

As was noticed in the preceding sermon, the word rendered 'sons' might more accurately be translated 'children. If so, we may fairly say, 'We are the children of God now and if we are children now, we shall be grown up some time. Childhood leads to maturity. The infant becomes a man. That is to say, he that here, in an infantile way, is stammering with his poor, unskilled lips the name 'Abba!

Stammering is known to be at the root of many troubles. It causes nervousness, self-consciousness and sometimes brings about a mental condition bordering on complete mental breakdown. It causes mental sluggishness, dissipates the power-of-concentration, weakens the power of will, destroys ambition and stands between the sufferer and an education.

I paid him twenty dollars for which he taught me a few simple breathing and vocal exercises, most of which I already knew by heart, having been drilled in them time and again. This fellow was like so many others who claimed to cure stammering he was in the business just because there were stammerers to cure, and not because he knew anything about it.

He wanted to paint her; she was a magnificent model for a certain work he had in mind. He said it blushingly, stammering, but López laughed at his timidity and seemed disposed to protect him. "Oh, Pepita? A wonderful woman, in spite of the fact that she is on the decline. With all her school-girl face, if you could only see her at a party! She drinks like a fish. She's a terror!"

Anderson, that time when I was so frightened by the tramp You know I stayed there to tea, that Mrs. Anderson was very kind," said Charlotte, in a stammering and incoherent voice. "Oh," said Carroll. Suddenly Charlotte raised her head, and she looked at him quite bravely, with an innocent confidence.