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Hide your heads, ye young Romeos and Leanders! this blase old beau loves with an hysterical fervor that requires four adjectives to every noun to properly describe. It is well, dear ladies, for us old sinners that you study only books. Did you read mankind, you would know that the lad's shy stammering tells a truer tale than our bold eloquence.

I had not thought myself capable of such concentration as I was putting in on the pursuit of the truth as regards stammering and its cure. With the knowledge that I had gained from celebrated physicians, specialists and institutions throughout this country and Europe, I extended my experiments and investigation. I had an excellent subject on which to experiment myself.

Scutts, stammering and flushing. "Why, the pore man can't stir from his bed." "Well, I'll just peep in at the door, then," said the doctor. "I won't wake him. You can't object to that. If you do " Mrs. Scutts's head began to swim. "I'll go up and see whether he's awake," she said. She closed the door on them and stood with her hand to her throat, thinking.

Didn't I give you half a crown the other day?" "Yes," replied Fisher, stammering; "but I wasn't sure that that might be enough." "Enough! yes, to be sure it will. I don't know what you are AT." "Nothing, nothing," said Fisher, "here, write upon this, then," said Fisher, putting a piece of paper into Archer's hand, upon which Archer wrote his orders. "Away, away!" cried he. Away went Fisher.

I know him to be light, and vain, and humorsome; a notorious *; addicted to : averse from counsel, neither taking it, nor offering it; * besides; a stammering buffoon; what you will; lay it on, and spare not; I subscribe to it all, and much more, than thou canst be willing to lay at his door but for the child Elia that "other me," there, in the back-ground I must take leave to cherish the remembrance of that young master with as little reference, I protest, to this stupid changeling of five-and-forty, as if it had been a child of some other house, and not of my parents.

And how effectual that sort of small shot was from him, I need not say to anybody who remembers his infirmity of stammering, and his dexterous management of it for purposes of light and shade.

Her woman's wit pondered it; while at the same time she remembered with emotion the joy with which he had greeted her, his eager, stammering sympathy, his rough grasp of her hand, his frowning scrutiny of her pale face. Yes, he was a great, great friend and, somehow, she must help him! Her lips parted in a sigh of aspiration.

He came to me at the time he was 28, having found it necessary to go to work on his own account, upon the failure of his father's business. I explained to him that his was a case of Combined Stammering and Stuttering, outlined to him the probable course of his trouble and what he might reasonably expect if he allowed it to continue.

From the nature of the impediment lack of co-ordination between the brain and the organs of speech stammering cannot be outgrown no more so than the desire to eat or to talk or to sleep. Back of that statement, there is a very sound scientific reason that explains why stammering cannot be outgrown. Stammering is destructive. It tears down but cannot build up.

Prince Louis, the present King of Bavaria, and to-day perhaps the best king in Europe, was not so tall as his august father, neither was his face so handsome; and, unfortunately, he was afflicted with an extreme deafness, which made him raise his voice without knowing it, and in addition to this his utterance was impeded by a slight stammering.