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Mr. Birdsall was hot, tired, and incensed himself, and so was in a mood to listen to their representations. "Hit's time dis yere scan'el was r'moved," said Tobe, solemnly. "We mus'purge ourselves. Mr. Buggone should be sot on, an' 'spended at de berry leas'; an' ter make de right 'pression on oders dat's gettin' weak in dere speritool jints, I move we sot on Mr. Buggone's case to-morrer ebenin'."

On the first Liquor they throw some hully Malt to shew the break of it, and when it is very sharp, they let in some cold Liquor, and run it into the Tun milk warm; this is mash'd with thirty or forty pulls of the Oar, and let stand till the second Liquor is ready, which must be almost scalding hot to the back of the Hand, then run it by the Cock into the Tun, mash it up and let it stand an Hour before it is spended off into the Under-back: These two pieces of Liquor will make one Copper of the first wort, without putting any fresh Malt on the Goods; the next Liquor to be Blood-warm, the next sharp, and the next cool or cold; for the general way in great Brewhouses is to let a cool Liquor precede a sharp one, because it gradually opens the Pores of the Malt and Goods, and prepares the way for the hotter Liquor that is to follow.

And, for a little, I did stare towards that far light; for it came from within that Tower of Observation, where so lately I had spended my life; and I had knowledge within my heart that the dear Master Monstruwacan did bend the Great Spy-Glass upon me, through which so oft had I spied.

"What about that girl, Sergeant the one with the baby?" I demanded, in a tone that made them both turn quickly. "Oh, she's all right. She told the Judge a straight story this morning, and he let her go on 'spended sentence. They tried to make her plead 'Not guilty, but she wouldn't lie about it, she said. She can go when she gets ready. What are you drivin' at?

Here afoot fares our joyance, whatever men hindred, Through all wrath of the heavens, all storms of the earth. O true, we have left here a part of our treasure, The ashes of stout ones, the stems of the shield; But the bold lives they spended have sown us new pleasure, Fair tales for the telling in fold and on field.

And, odd whiles, I found that there were among them, men of extraordinary learning who upheld my tellings as tales of verity; and so there was a faction; but, later, there grew more to believe; and whether they believed, or not, all were ready to listen; so that I might have spended my days in talk; only that I had my work to do.

Spit on the Stane, and it will be wet at the last. Sike lippes, sike Latace. Soon gotten, soon spended. Saw thin, and maw thin. Speir at Jock-thief my marrow, if I be a leal man. Seldom rides, tynes the spurres. She's a foul bird that syles her own nest. Sike man, sike master. Seil comes not while sorrow be gone. Sooth bourd is na bourd. Sike a man as thou would be, draw thee to sike company.

Knowledge is eith born about. Kings are out of play. Kings and Bears oft worries their Keepers. Laith to bed, laith out of it. Like draws to like, a skabbed Horse to an old dyke. Lear young, lear fair, Little intermitting makes good friends. Little sayd is soon mended, and a little geir is soon spended. Long tarrowing takes all the thank away. Long lean wakes hameald cattell.

Then he winked at Elspeth and said, with his hand over his mouth, "I hinna twopence!" and Elspeth, about to cry in fright, "Have you spended it?" saw the joke and crowed instead, "Nor yet has I threepence!" They smirked together, until Tommy saw a change come over Elspeth's face, which made him run her outside the door. "You was a-going to pray!" he said, severely. "'Cos it was a lie, Tommy.