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Even in an age of experiment it must have needed some self-confidence to write the dialect of the Calender; it must have required nothing less than assurance to put forth such verses as the following: Many a reader of the anonymous quarto of 1579 must have joined in Cuddie's exclamation: Sicker, sike a roundel never heard I none!

She screamed as her head thumped down on the floor, and the children, who were standing huddled up in a corner, terrified, screamed too. Jim caught hold of his wife's head and began beating it against the floor. She cried out: 'You're killing me! Help! help! Polly in terror ran up to her father and tried to pull him off. 'Father, don't 'it 'er! Anythin' but thet for God's sike!

Well, it fair frightened my old man, an' I says ter 'im, "I'll charge yer," an' although I was bleedin' like a bloomin' pig I shook my fist at 'im, an' I says, "I'll charge ye see if I don't!" An' 'e says, "Na," says 'e, "don't do thet, for God's sike, Kitie, I'll git three months." "An' serve yer damn well right!" says I, an' I went aht an' left 'im. But, Lor' bless yer, I wouldn't charge 'im!

If it comes to that you ought to change the spellin' instead of the name that your poor pa loved." Yet the old man had come to know that he was fighting a lost fight, lost before it had ever begun. "It will be a good chance," ventured Mrs. Bines, timidly, "for Pishy I mean Sike Sicky to meet the right sort of people." "Yes, I should say and the wrong sort.

'I might ha' knowa'd, said John, 'that nobody but thou would ha' coom wi' sike a knock as you. Thot was the wa' thou knocked at schoolmeasther's door, eh? Ha, ha, ha! But I say; wa'at be a' this aboot schoolmeasther? 'You know it then? said Nicholas. 'They were talking aboot it, doon toon, last neeght, replied John, 'but neane on 'em seemed quite to un'erstan' it, loike.

Scots-men reckon ay fra an ill hour. Send, and fetch. Sairy be your meil-poke, and ay your nieve in the nook on't. Sike Priest, sike Offering. Swear by your brunt shins. Seying goes good cheap. She that takes gifts her self, she sels; and she that gives, does nought else. She is a sairy mouse, that hes but one Hole. Shod in the cradle, bair-foot in the Stubble.

"Yes?" and Banderah's face at once assumed an expression of the most hopeless stupidity. "All right, Cap'en Sike. Come inside an' sit down." "Right, my boy," said Bilker genially, fumbling in his coat pocket, and producing a large flask of rum, "I've brought you a drink, Bandy; and I want to have a yarn with you."

'Garn! rejoined the man, 'she'll git over it; an' p'raps she deserves it, for all you know. John sat undecided, looking now at Polly, now at his wife, and now at the other man. 'Oh, do be quick for God's sike! said Polly. At that moment a sound as of something smashing was heard upstairs, and a woman's shriek. Mrs.

Send him to the sea and he will not get water. Shame is past the shad of your haire. She hath past the discipline of a Tavern. Sain you will fra the Devil, and the Lairds bairns. Small winning makes a heavy purse. Sike answer as a man gives, sike will he get. Soon ripe, soon rotten. Two Wolves may worry ane Sheep. There is remead for all things but starke dead.

But I'm dom'd if ar can gang to bed and not tellee, for weedur's sak', to keep the lattle boy from a' sike scoondrels while there's a harse to hoold in a' Lunnun, or a gootther to lie asleep in!" Repeating these words with great heartiness, and with a solemnity on his jolly face that made it look twice as large as before, he shook hands and went away.