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I was surprised to observe his frowning aspect on landing, and ascribed it to the circumstance of his being the "harse," or harrow, a term of derision applied to the slowest canoe.

"Here, you murdherin' divil, get down aff that harse," said the Iron Brigade, who had got awake enough to see that the rebel was on his horse. "Take this mule, and lave a dacent gintleman's harse alone." The rebel smiled, dismounted, gave the Irishman his horse, mounted the mule, and we started for camp.

Exercise yez harse an'" he lit his pipe noisily "learn th' lay av th' thrails." He turned to the senior constable. "If ye can lay hould av th' J.P. there, get this shtiff committed an' let Ridmond take thrain wid um tu th' Post. Yu' return wid th' harses!" "Why can't Redmond nip down there on a way-freight and do the whole thing?" said Yorke, a trifle sulkily.

One of her stifle j'ints " The mare's owner interrupted at this juncture: "You jest turn your mouth on, don't you, Tex, and go off and leave it?" "I happened to know a little somethin' about this harse," apologetically began "Tex," whose other name was McGonnigle, "so I thought " "So you thought you'd butt in and queer the sale of it.

The woman's memory of the encounter was slightly vague, it having ended so abruptly, but she retained the impression that Aunt Nancy had expressed an unusual degree of regret at being unable to accept her invitation. "'Twasn't till thin I saw the poor harse was crazy wid fright, an' the auld lady's close blowin' over his eyes," added the mountain woman, sympathetically.

Halting irresolutely a moment, Slavin presently faced about and returned. "Wan harse on'y!" he vouchsafed to their silent looks of enquiry. "He had not company. Must have been shot from lift or right av th' thrail." He stared around him at the bare sweep of ground. "Now fwhere cud any livin' man find cover here in th' full av th' moon, tu get th' range wid a small arm?

It came from under the limp brim of a hat that dropped to the speaker's shoulders. "Why, I knowed that harse when I first come to the country. She was runnin' with her mother over in the Bighorns, and Bear George at Tensleep owned her. Some said that Frank McMannigle's runnin' harse, 'Left Hand, was her father, and others said she was jest a ketch colt, but I dunno.

He was not quite so chipper thin, an' I noticed his hands thremblin', an' he was all th' time watchin' me close how I did wid th' off harse. I dhraws off wid th' britchin' on me arrum 'Come! sez I an' he shtarts in unbucklin' th' top hame-shtrap. "'As ye were! sez I 'that's enough!

Dinnot let the weedur send her lattle boy to yan o' our school-measthers, while there's a harse to hoold in a' Lunnun, or a gootther to lie asleep in. Ar wouldn't mak' ill words amang my neeburs, and ar speak tiv'ee quiet loike.

When the poor old horse had dragged the heavy load about half way up the hill, he seemed incapable of further exertion, and horse, cart, Terry and all began a rapid backward descent down the hill. Here the boy's patience gave way entirely. "Musha thin, bad luck to ye for one harse," said he as he applied the switch with renewed energy.