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"Well then, you are settin' up with her. You've invited her to be your lady at the next spellin' bee between Six Stars and Turkey Walley, and she has said she'll think about it. Then you've told her that there is something wrong with you. You don't know what it is, 'ceptin' you feel all peekit like for no special reason; you can't eat no more, and sleep poorly and has sighin' spells.

The Doctor, who knows every languitch, has tried and giv'n up; we've sent to Docteur Pettigruel, who reads horyglifics a deal ezier than my way of spellin' no anser. Quick! quick with a fifth edition, honored Barnet, and set us at rest! While your about it, please, too, to igsplain the two last lines: "His merry bark with England's flag to crown her."

'Well, said Pat, ''bedad, an' if it's all th' same t' yez, I'm thinkin' I'll just be afther takin' a bit o' the spellin' an' perhaps a bit o' figurin'. How do thot be afther suitin' yez'?" All the boys joined in the laugh with which Hawley related the story, and Will Phelps said, "Where did Pat go?" "Well," said Hawley slowly, "he has gone to White College."

"Laws, Fanny, I ken think of them ere things myself. All the help I want is a leetle mite from you about the spellin. "Wycoff now appeared looking very grave and reported Hank, "stone dead." Spring opened slowly.

'Trust them for that, replied Jack, adding, 'If there's any word that bothers them, they've nothing to do but look in the dictionary these folks all have dictionaries, wonderful fellows for spellin'.

'Ow's that for the bloomin' spellin' bee?" But Coke's humor made no appeal. The staring, brilliant eyes fixed on him did not relax their vigilance, nor did any trace of emotion exhibit itself in that calm voice. "You are unlucky, Captain Coke, most unlucky," it said. "I regret my natural mistake, which, it seems, was shared by the authorities of Fernando do Noronha.

Sure enough, there was the inspirin' words on it, 'Liqueur Creme de Menthe. A furreign way of spellin' liquor, to be sure, but what's a letter or two out of the way, so long as the results is in sight? "'William, says I, 'L-i-q, lick, u-e-u-r, er licker. Get glasses, William, and let us be joyful.

"I think I'm better, but I'm awfu' licht i' the heid yet," says Bawbie. "Ye micht get the pen an' ink, Sandy, an' send a scart or twa to thae prenter bodies. Juist say I've taen a kind o' a dwam, but that I'll likely be a' richt again in a day or twa. An' see an' watch your spellin'. Gin ony o' the wirds are like to beat ye, juist speer at me, an' I'll gie ye a hand wi' them."

"What you got there?" he inquired, a few moments later, as they were approaching the old pasture. He pointed to a package carefully wrapped in a clean apron, which she hugged beneath her arm. "Spellin' book," said Madge, as, just before the bars she slid down from her perch upon the ox. "I'm learnin'." His lip curled with the mountaineer's contempt for books and all they have to teach.

The widow read the story carefully, guessing at the words that were hopelessly indistinct. "My! but it's a thriller, Skim," she said with maternal enthusiasm; "but ye don't say why he killed the girl." "That don't matter, so long's he did it." "The spellin' don't allus seem quite right," she added doubtfully.