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Was it any wonder ghosts had been crowded out of the day's or night's programme? "Don't worry," calmly advised the heroic Judith. "What happened this afternoon is only an introduction. The real thriller is yet to come." "When?" anticipated Velma. "Oh, it threatens to be a serial. I may be able to give you a reel or two tonight after study hour." "Come down to my room," begged Janet.

"Say, Dinks!" whispered Dozia from her side of the big double bed, "what do you think Judy will say to all this?" "Judy had her own fun and shouldn't complain. Wasn't she all nicely arrested and tried at a regular police court? What's a spook and a fire to that!" But Jane knew better. That night at Lenox was a "thriller" indeed, and Judith Stearns might well envy her chums its experiences.

"No," her brother hissed back, "those are the plans of the Patagonian fort which were stolen from the Russian Embassy last Thursday by the beautiful woman spy disguised with a long green beard. You know, the proper first chapter of an international espionage thriller. You are the dumb but beautiful newspaper reporter on the scent, and I "

This book deals with primal conditions in a land where "there ain't no ten commandments"; where savagery, naked and unashamed, is not confined to the blacks. It is a record of the life in the African tropics and it is a powerful and fascinating story of a scene that has rarely been depicted in fiction. This is a most ingenious detective story a thriller in every sense of the word.

As we were leaving, Mother Eppes invited us to take dinner with her on Sunday in a way that was more a command than an invitation and we accepted in a manner to match, though inside I was raging to think we'd have to go. And then I remembered it would be a regular thriller to be eating at the table with Whythe and his family and my family, and I hoped I'd remember to call him Mr.

From the sporting page he was graduated to police news, then the city desk, at last closing his career as the genius who invented the weekly Sunday thriller, in many colors of illustration and vivacious Gallic style which interpreted into heart throbs and goose-flesh the real life romances and tragedies of the preceding six days!

And really there will be a touch of romance in it, Ted, for Bruce Edwards knew her when she lived in Ottawa it was he who told me so much about her. He simply raved about her to me it seems he was quite mad about her once, and probably it was a lover's quarrel or something that drove her away to the West to forget, and now think of her meeting Bruce again. Isn't that a thriller?"

His best effect was the swallowing of a red-hot sword. Another thriller consisted in fastening a long sword to the stock of a musket; when he had swallowed about half the length of the blade, he discharged the gun and the recoil drove the sword suddenly down his throat to the very hilt.

More than one chap has done that just through not knowing exactly where he was. I can't imagine anything more tough than to get yourself down when something has gone utterly wrong, thanking your lucky stars that you are down with a whole skin, and then discover you are booked for a Hun prison, after all. I could tell you a thriller along that line, but it'll keep.

I hear that Polaire is on at the Folies Bergères with her opium-den scene. A thriller, I'm told." Theatres and music-halls were nothing to the shipowner; his idea was to keep Matheson under observation if possible, and try to solve the riddle. "Thanks, but I've got to get away from Paris," answered Matheson with his tired droop of the shoulders.