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Lat my sowl rest a moment wi' deith, and haud awa wi yer funeral. 'Sufficient til the day, ye ken!" "Eh dear, but I'm no like you, Peter! Whan the sowl's gane, I tak no content i' the presence o' the puir worthless body, luikin what it never mair can be! Na, I wad be rid o' 't, I confess! But be it as ye wull, my ain man!

Ax it does anything trouble it; or whether its sowl's in Purgatory." "Wouldn't it be betther," observed another, "to ax it who murthered it; maybe it wants to discover that?" "In the na-me of Go-o-d-ness," said Ned, down to me, "what are you?" "I'm the soul," I replied in the same voice, "of the pedlar that was murdered on the bridge below."

"Come forward," he said, "you bird of satan! speak out, and answer for yourself, for its yourself can do it, you egg of the devil! What brought you here?" I answered, "It was all for my sweet sowl's sake, jewel!" and the answer decided my fate, without more to do.

Ony gait, I never drank better drink; an' gien ae day he but saitisfee my sowl's hunger efter his richteousness as he has this minute saitisfeed my body's drowth efter watter, I s' be a happier man nor ever sat still ohn danced an' sung." "It's an innocent cratur' at gies thanks for cauld watter I hae aye remarkit that!" said Grizzie.

We've a right to be lambastin' thim this blessed minute, the crathurs; as sure as eggs is mate, if they was mine they'd sup sorrow wid a spoon of grief, before they wint to bed this night! Mistress Colquhoun, that lives at Ardnagreena on the road to the town, is an iligant lady intirely, an' she's uncommon frindly, may the peace of heaven be her sowl's rist!

But here ye ha'e aye to luik sae gleg efter yer boady, 'at, as ye say, my lord, yer sowl's like to come aff the waur, gien it binna clean forgotten." "I doobt there's something no richt aboot it, Peter," returned Malcolm. "There maun be a heap no richt aboot it" answered Peter "Ay, but I'm no meanin' 't jist as ye du.

His friend, who seemed more acquainted with our species, encouraged him to return; and offering me some fruit from his basket, said "Why, Poll, you cratur, what brought you so far from home?" I endeavoured to imitate his peculiar tone, and replied "Why thin it was for my sweet sowl's sake, jewel." They now both endeavoured to catch me.

Maister Grant, gien ever there wis a Christi-an sowl upo' the face o' this wickit warl', that Christi-an sowl's wee Sir Gibbie! an' wha cud hae thoucht it! But it's the Lord's doin', an' mervellous in oor eyes! Ow! ye needna luik like that; I ken my Bible no that ill!" she added, catching a glimmer of surprise on Donal's countenance. "But for that Maister Scletter dod!

Both seemed to complain, and, by the expression of their ugly and roguish faces, to interrogate each other. As soon as they went away, I endeavoured to mutter to myself the sounds they had uttered, but could retain only two phrases. The one had been spoken by the ape, and ran thus "Shure it was for my sweet sowl's sake, jewel;" the other was "Eh, sirs, it was aw' for the love of the siller."

Gien only ye was as little as ye used to be, whan I cud carry ye aboot a' day, and tak ye intil my ain bed a' nicht! But noo we're jist like the sun and the mune!-whan ye're oot' I'm in; and whan ye're in well I'm no oot' but my sowl's jist as blear-faced as the mune i' the daylicht to think ye'll be awa again sae sune! But it canna gang on like this to a' eternity, and that's a comfort!