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"If squire says it, then 't must be," said Dickon slowly, nodding his head. "We'n better be goin' home, sir." "But you had something to tell Sir Willoughby?" "Ay, sure, but he knows it knows it better'n me." "Come, Dickon, what is this mystery! I am in a maze; what is it, man?" "Binna fur a aged, poor feller like me to say. We'n better go home, sir."

"We'n better goo round about, Measter," said the driver, to the passenger at his side. "Summat's afoot down yander." "You're a wise man, to be sure. Something's afoot, as you truly say. And, being troubled from my youth up with an inquiring nose, I'll e'en step forward and smell out the occasion. Do you bide here, my Jehu, till I come back." "Why, I will, then, Measter, but my name binna Jehu.

"He has blessed mine errand," said his daughter, rising from her knees, "and it is borne in upon my mind that I shall prosper." So saying, she left the room. Mrs. Saddletree looked after her, and shook her head. "I wish she binna roving, poor thing There's something queer about a' thae Deanses. I dinna like folk to be sae muckle better than other folk seldom comes gude o't.

"He has blessed mine errand," said his daughter, rising from her knees, "and it is borne in upon my mind that I shall prosper." So saying, she left the room. Mrs. Saddletree looked after her, and shook her head. "I wish she binna roving, poor thing There's something queer about a' thae Deanses. I dinna like folk to be sae muckle better than other folk seldom comes gude o't.

Upon this occasion, whether it was in deference to Malcolm, who, as he well understood, did not like long prayers, or that the presence of Clementina exercised some restraint upon his spirit, out of the bows of the boat came now the solemn voice of its master, bearing only this one sentence: "O Thoo, wha didst tell thy dissiples to cast the net upo' the side whaur swam the fish, gien it be Thy wull 'at we catch the nicht, lat 's catch: gien it binna Thy wull, lat's no catch.

Seeing the funnels of a steamer awash off Binna, we put in nearer to the shore, the steam cutter being piped away to examine the wreck, which was too close in to the rocks for the Mermaid to approach her with safety.

What for ir ye persecutin' a servant o' the Lord's that gate, an' pitting the life out o' him wi' his head down an' his heels up?" "Had ye said a servant o' the Deil's, Nans, ye wad hae been nearer the nail, for gin he binna the Auld Ane himsel, he's gayan sib till him.

'Lat me gang, Robert, gasped Shargar. 'Losh, man! ye'll be on Black Geordie in anither ten meenits, an' me ahin' ye upo' Reid Rorie. An' faith gin we binna at Stanehive afore the Dutchman wi' 's boddom foremost, it'll be the faut o' the horse and no o' the men. Robert's heart gave a bound of hope. 'Hoo 'ill ye get them, Shargar? he asked eagerly.

Ye want nothing but fair play, my son, an' whether ye get it frae Lick-my-loof or no, there's ane winna haud it frae ye. Ye 's get it, my son; ye 's get it! The maister 'll hae a' thing set richt at the lang last; an' gien HE binna in a hurry, we may weel bide. For mysel', the man has smitten me upo' the tae cheek, an' may hae the tither to lat drive at whan he likes.

"I doobt ye micht come upo twa afore ye wan throw the million! A million's a heap o' women!" "All I care to say is, that gien Jeemie binna ready to lea' father and mother and kirk and steeple, and cleave to that wuman and her only, he's no a mere gomeril, but jist a meeserable, wickit fule! and I s' never speyk word til 'im again, wi my wull, gien I live to the age o' auld Methuselah!"