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When I'd see 'im 'way off I'd run to de gate an' start singin' dis song to 'im: 'Here come de marster, root toot too! Here come Marster, comin' my way! Howdy, Marster, howdy do! What you gwine a-bring from town today? I'd say, 'Bring me some goobers, or a doll, or some stick candy, or anything. An' you can bet yo' bottom doller he'd always bring me somp'n'.

"Them rascally conscrip'-guard been tellin' you all that, to gi' 'em some excuse for keepin' out o' th' army theyselves that's all. Th' ain' gwine ketch no deserters any whar in all these parts, an' you kin tell 'em so. I'm gwine down thar an' see what that horn's a-blowin' fur; hit's somebody's dinner horn, or somp'n'," he added, rising and taking up his game-bag.

She don' shoot craps, nor boot- laig, nor " He fell to coughing. Peter got out a handkerchief and wiped his eyes. "Let's go to the Dildine house," he said. The two moved hurriedly through the thinning cloud, and presently came to breathable air, where they could see the houses around them. "I know she done somp'n; I know she done somp'n," chanted Tump, with the melancholy cadence of his race.

Dey all had diffe'nt ways o' thinkin' 'bout it. Mos'ly though dey was jus' lak me, dey didn' know jus' zackly what it meant. It was jus' somp'n dat de white folks an' slaves all de time talk 'bout. Dat's all. Folks dat ain' never been free don' rightly know de feel of bein' free. Dey don' know de meanin' of it.

"Sistah Sally, I reckernizes dat, an' I want to know ef you won't let me look out aftah we two? Will you ma'y me?" She picked nervously at her apron, and her eyes sought the floor modestly as she answered, "Why, Brothah Hayward, I ain't fittin' fu' no sich eddicated man ez you. S'posin' you'd git to be pu'sidin' elder, er bishop, er somp'n' er othah, whaih'd I be?"

The old negress dropped the subject, and nodded at a huge double pan on the table. "Dat's whut she brung you." She grunted disapprovingly. "And it's for you, too, Mother." "Ya-as, I 'magine she brung somp'n fuh me." Peter walked across to the double pans, and saw they held a complete dinner chicken, hot biscuits, cake, pickle, even ice-cream.

Peter called to the roustabout and asked about Tump Pack. The Persimmon looked at Peter with his half-asleep, protruding eyeballs. "Don' you know 'bout Tump Pack already, Mister Siner?" "No." Peter was astonished at the formality of the "Mr. Siner." "Then is you 'spectin' somp'n 'bout him?" "Why, no, but I was asleep in there a moment ago, and somebody came along talking about Tump and Cissie.

"I has somp'n' on my min, Brothah Middleton, dat I wants to thrash out to-night in de sollertude of my own chambah," was the solemn reply. "Well, I ain' gwine keep erlong wid you an' pestah you wid my chattah, Brothah Hayward," and at the next corner Isaac Middleton turned off and went his way, with a cheery "so long, may de Lawd set wid you in yo' meddertations."

The next moment he was running along the dock, the money envelope tight in his hand, sticking out his tongue at McGaw, and calling to Lathers as he disappeared through the door in the fence, "Somp'n wid a mustache, somp'n wid a mustache," like a news-boy calling an extra. Then a stone grazed Lathers's ear. Lathers sprang through the gate, but the boy was half way through the yard.

"Good Lawd!" cried the spiked one in disgust, "ever', time a white pusson gits somp'n misplaced " She moved to one side to allow the girl to enter, and continued staring up the street, with the whites of her eyes accented against her dark face, after the way of angry negroes. Around the crescent the dogs were furious.