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In other words, did the power of your vision extend eighty miles you would be able to see for yourself from the roof of your superb house that this point is in fact the centre of a radius representing a stretch in any and every direction of eighty miles." "No, I had never supposed it possible," said I. "It is, nevertheless, a demonstrable fact," said Colonel Doller.

It was her house, and she would have to be responsible for it against the devouring elements. That night I dreamed that the awful suggestions of Messrs. Teddy, Jeems, Doller, and Macleod had been realized. I dreamed that the new house was confronted upon one side by a wall of flame, and upon the other by a wall of water. Destruction and death seemed imminent.

Colonel Doller patted me reassuringly on the shoulder as he arose to depart. "Baker," said he, kindly, "you are as good as a rich man already! You get that extra twenty-five feet and make a subdivision of this property, and you 'll have so much money you won't know what to do with it!

That would give you a frontage of two hundred and thirty-nine feet on the terrace, with a depth altogether of one hundred and twenty-five feet! Do you follow me?" "Yes, I see," said I, as this good and shrewd man's meaning gradually stole upon me. "Gracious me! That is a great idea!" said I, and I whistled softly to myself. "Great? Well, I should say so!" exclaimed Colonel Doller.

For I bear ill will to none, and it is constantly my endeavor to make life pleasant and dear not only to myself but also to my fellow beings. My consideration for Uncle Si's feelings was almost immediately rewarded, for as I left Uncle Si smoking his cigar in a comforted mood I beheld my neighbor, Colonel Bobbett Doller, coming up the driveway and beckoning to me.

'You ought to be very happy, he replied a trifle sharply. 'You have everything a woman needs to make her happy. 'Perhaps so, and yet' She paused, and hummed a little scrap of song which Walter did not catch. 'I am becoming quite an accomplished violinist, Walter, she said presently. 'I have two lessons every week; once Herr Döller comes down, and once I go up.

Leet went on to say that the property we already possessed would be enhanced in value an hundred-fold and would be rendered marketable instantaneously by the further acquisition of the twenty-five feet adjoining it upon the north. "Yes," said I, "Mr. Doller spoke to me about that twenty-five-foot strip some time ago." "Aha, so Doller has been approaching you, has he?" said Mr. Leet, softly.

Now that I come to think of it, I am compelled to admit that this practice of setting a low estimate upon the endeavors and responsibilities of others is not restricted to the workingman's class. I blush to recall how often I myself have envied the apparent ease with which Belville Rock and Bobbett Doller stem the tide of human affairs while I labor on and on, barely eking out a subsistence.

During that unusually warm spell we had about two months ago there was scarcely an hour of the day that a wheelbarrow or a man servant or both did not arrive bearing lilac sprouts from the Leets, or Japanese ivy slips from the Sissons, or peonies from the old Doller homestead, or mignonette from Mrs. Roth, or dahlias from Mrs.

We need rain badly; otherwise the most lamentable consequences will follow. I dare say you have noticed by the paper how alarmingly prevalent conflagrations have become?" "Have they?" I asked, in genuine surprise. "Shockingly so," answered Colonel Doller. "The record is simply appalling.