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"That's my platform in this campaign, you know." "Yes; jes' so. An' I rather 'magine I'll vote yer way." "Thank you." "Pro-vi-ded," Jasper added, "pro-vi-ded we c'n 'range things." "Arrange things?" Jasper's eyes wandered musingly over his interlocutor's face. "'Range things, I sez, an' I sez it again." He abandoned something of his drawl. "I 'magine I c'd tell sumpin ef I tuk a notion."

"Lef me? Nebber. But den I didn't tink you'd magine anyting was wrong till too late. What I wanted was help, den an dar. De trouble was, when you did come, you all made dat ar circumbendibus, an trabelled clean an clar away from me." "We thought at first you could not be so near the point." "But de pint was de whole difficulty. Dat's de pint." "Well, at any rate, you've saved the lobsters."

Jasper rebaited his hook, impaling the wriggling earthworm with a solicitude worthy of comparison with Isaac Walton's refined martyrdom of frogs. "Yes," he drawled; "I kind o' 'magine I hev." Bernard curbed his impatience while Jap spat with deadly aim at an eddying chip. "S'pose you know I've knocked round in pol'tics some?" The young man said that he did. He thought "knocked" a felicitous word.

'Twant all dirt them daisies tuk out. There wuz as fustclass sandstun ez my party ever shipped f'm his quarry, an' f'm his quarry docks it went." "You mean that this man connived with the contractors to misappropriate state property?" "I 'magine I do." "And your party is Shelby?" "Never said no sech thing." "It's what you imply clearly enough. Now, if you wish to help us, as you told Mr.

Fus' Sis' Becky did n' notice 'im much, but dis mawkin'-bird kep' stayin' roun' de house all day, en bimeby Sis' Becky des 'magine' dat mawkin'-bird wuz her little Mose crowin' en crowin', des lack he useter do w'en his mammy would come home at night fum de cotton-fiel'. De mawkin'-bird stayed roun' dere 'mos' all day, en w'en Sis' Becky went out in de ya'd one time, dis yer mawkin'-bird lit on her shoulder en peck' at de piece er bread she wuz eatin', en fluttered his wings so dey rub' up agin de side er her head.

"I 'magine that 'twas gettin' as mad as you are now that kep' the Websters from ever buildin' up that wall," she called after her niece, as Lucy with crimson cheeks fled up the stairs, the long white envelope in her hand. "I want you should go to the village to-day," announced Ellen, making her appearance in Lucy's room on a hot August morning a few weeks later.

He broke into a peal of hearty laughter. "That's the beatereee!" he declared, slapping his thigh. "'Magine me up to my ears in a love affair! But I have been scores of 'em, enough I reckon, put 'em all together, to marry off the whole of Cape Cod." "You must be quite an authority on the heart by this time," Robert Morton ventured. "I ain't," the other declared soberly.

He's kind of bashful, I 'magine." "It's Merry," Quincy exclaimed. "Something has turned up at the State House, but it will keep till morning." As they were ascending the stairs, Mrs. Hawkins called out, "Oh, Mr. Sawyer, there was a letter came for you. It's up in your room." It was from Maude. "Let us see what that volatile sister of mine has to say.

"I wrote 'em 'bout startin' that new branch over to Westvale, and although they answered in a kinder top-lofty style I reckon that young Merry writ the letter I 'magine they're in for it, horse, foot, and dragoons. They'll put up the money. An' the question now is who'll go over and take charge of it." Hiram put his pipe on the table.

She was here the other day." "Yes, she drove to town last Friday." "Came on an interestin' errand, too," chirped Elias. "Leastwise, I 'magine 'twas interestin' to you." He grinned slyly. "Why?" "Why?" repeated the man, taken aback. "Because well, ain't such things always interestin'?" "What things?" Elias stared, uncertain as to how to proceed.