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"Brer Fox roll his eye en say, 'Man, ain't you gwine ter hush up, 'fo' you gi' me de fidgets? "Der little Rabs dey frisk en dey frolic, but dey hear ev'ything dat pass. "Brer Wolf lick out his tongue quick, en 'low, 'Less us whirl in en eat um. "Brer Fox say, 'Man, you make me hongry! Please hush up! "De little Rabs play off furder en furder, but dey know 'zackly what gwine on.

"That's the chap that killed the old man him with the big chops," said the red-shirted individual to his numerous red and other shirted friends about. "What! that fat cuss with the pig eyes?" "Zackly!" "He's the puffick image of his portrait in the Weekly, isn't he?" "Like as two peas."

"Peter Craig, what do you mean?" asked Felicity. "'Zackly what I say." "Then, if you know what is the matter with Paddy, tell us," commanded the Story Girl, standing up. She said it quietly; but Peter obeyed. I think he would have obeyed if she, in that tone and with those eyes, had ordered him to cast himself into the depths of the sea. I know I should.

"I reckin dat ye needn't be oneasy, honey, 'bout dat, fur Miss Hungerford is 'zackly de one fur to take ker ob dat man; he's got his head 'way up 'mong de stars, an' 'way down in de figgerin' mos' all de time." "Do you mean that he is an astronomer, Matthias?"

"You scoundrel!" cried Nigel, interrupting him, "do you really mean to tell me that you've brought me here as a hired servant?" "Well, not zackly," returned Moses, with solemn simplicity, "you needn't ax no wages unless you like." "But what if I don't want to take service?" demanded our hero, with a savage frown. "You kin go home agin," answered Moses, humbly.

"Take one of the cushions with you, if you wish to; but go forward and keep a sharp lookout." "I'se gwine." "Go, then." "Dis nigger don't zackly like dis kind ob freedom," growled Cyd, as he moved forward. The wind was about south-west, which was fair for the course the Isabel was then steering, and in three quarters of an hour she made Green Point.

I hung on, and let the line out a little at a time, just zackly like a fish, and he pulled, and sweat, and the bald spot on his head was getting sun burnt, and the line cut my hand, so I wound it around the oar-lock, and Pa pulled hard enough to tip the boat over. He thought he had a forty pound musculunger, and he stood up in the boat and pulled on that oar-lock as hard as he could.

Dis zackly w'at Brer Rabbit waitin' fer, en he no sooner seed ole Miss Cow all fas'en'd up dan he jump up, he did, en cut de pidjin-wing. "'Come he'p me out, Brer Rabbit, sez Miss Cow, sez she.

I don't know zackly where, an hang me if I care; but they're a bad lot are some o' them dooks rich as Pharaoh, king o' J'rus'lem, an' hard as nails though I'm bound for to say they ain't all alike.

I can't remember how big but I know dat it was sho big. Da had lots an lots of slaves but I doan no zackly how many. Da scattered around de plantashun in diffren settlements. De horn blew every mohnin to wake up de fiel hans. Da gone to fiel long time foh I get up. De fiel hans work from dawn till dark, but evabody had good eats on holidays. No work jus eat and have good time."