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The mule continued his mad career down the hill, his reins trailing in the dust. In the distance was a little gipsy's donkey cart full of pots and pans. William found his voice suddenly and began to warn the mule. "Look out, you ole softie!" he yelled. "Look out for the donk, you ole ass." But the mule refused to be warned.

"Don't mind Alfy, ma'am; she always did have to be the middle of things," begged the lad, overcoming his own shyness rather than have that beautiful lady think he was a "softie" who liked kissing girls. Also, he was thankful that Dorothy had contented herself with merely holding tight to his hand and simply looking her affection. "Oh! that's all right.

Girls, we noticed, employed this "softie" in silly games of their own, trying whether they could make it rebound a hundred times from the ground, but we had no doubt about its proper use in the purposes of Creation. And Mrs.

Reddin, and wear this gownd, and live at Undern, said Hazel. 'Eh? Sally was astonished. 'And he said there wunna any other but me. Sally laughed. 'You believed that lie? You little softie! Hazel looked at the children. 'Be they all his'n? she said. 'Every man-jack of 'em, and not so much as a thank you for me! The children were ranged near their mother on high chairs.

"That minister I nursed through pneumonia last winter wants me to pose as 'Sanctity' for a stained-glass window in his new church! Isn't he the softie?" "Shall you do it?" quizzed Rae Malgregor a trifle tensely. "Shall I do it?" mocked the newcomer. "Well, you just watch me! Four mornings a week in June at full week's wages? Fresh Easter lilies every day? White silk angel-robes?

He is a kind of softie all alive on one side of his brain, and a noodle on the other. A single glass of rum and water puts him under the table. And as he never can refuse this glass, and as the temptation generally seizes him when they are on their rounds, he is always getting John into disgrace. John swears at him and slangs him. No use. Jim sits still, looks well, nohow.

In the sense of the tragedy overhanging the poor young man she forgot to consider the possible impropriety of his relations with Maggie. He was removed at once from human laws and human judgment. He became "a creature of God" and was surrounded with something of the care and reverence with which the principal "softie" in the village was regarded.

"Then you have not always been a saint," observed Mendoza, in that same irritating manner. "You have really lived a little." The insolence of the fellow in talking to Frank in such a manner was felt by Hatch, who hastened to check him. "Mr. Merriwell is no softie!" he exclaimed, seeming to feel that Frank needed defending. "He was a famous athlete at Yale College.

At two o'clock the other new girl standing next to Nance grew faint, and had to be stretched on the floor in the midst of the broken glass. "She's a softie!" whispered Mag to Nance. "This ain't nothin' to what it is in hot weather."

Just as though Miss Georgiana were a fairy god-mother who struck her crutch upon the platform and cried: "Se sesame! change!" the young pirates often came through Miss Georgiana's hands and entered high school with the reputation of being very decent fellows after all. Nor was Miss Georgiana a "softie"; far from it. Ask the boys themselves about it?