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That fool driver might have taken the wrong road where it branched off a ways back." Silent Pete heard and guessed this was the truth, but he ventured no reply. His business was to drive his own horses and let the tenderfoot look out for himself. But Monty roused himself enough to assure Alfy: "He wouldn't do that! Why, that road is nothing but a trail through the woods. Dark as midnight.

It's sort of saucy seems if, to ask for things and then keep thinkin' in your insides that they won't be give. You've asked and the Lord's heard you now get up and go to bed." "Oh! Alfy! I wish you had had a little more spiritually!" wailed Dorothy, rather stumbling over the long word but obediently rising from her knees and creeping between the snowy sheets.

Come on, Alfy, or anybody," cried Dorothy, laughing. "That empty cracker box to hold them in. By the way, Wunny, when did you empty the nest?" He assured her that he had done so the last thing before retiring on the night before. He had already taken two from it this day.

As Alfy expressed it: "I never was so lazy and I likely never will have a chance to be again. I can work when I have to and I can play just as hard." The lads fished, rode, hunted small game, and tried various feats of horsemanship, lariat casting, and even when they were especially energetic, played ball. There was a fairly good team among the ranchmen and they entered into the sport with vim.

After I fired that rifle and saw that purple mass of stuff lying on the ground I thought I was a murderer! I did so. Yet I was mad, too, to think Wun Sing had been such an idiot as to go between me and the target." "Herbert claims the safest place for others, when a girl shoots, is right behind the target. But it wasn't when Alfy hit the bull's-eye. How did you do it, child?

"He was running after that Alfy, who'd taken his cobbler, and he accidentally got hold of his collar, because the other dodged as an Anthony would." "I know!" shouted Morel threateningly. "You would, before you're told," replied his wife bitingly. "Niver you mind," stormed Morel. "I know my business." "That's more than doubtful," said Mrs.

Nor shall any of his charges be compelled to tame wild beasts and sell them for a livelihood. The good old priest is ready to take possession as soon as we vacate and will put everything into what Alfy calls 'apple-pie order, according to a red man's fancy. So, when everybody is ready Don't hurry, please! we'll board my car, the 'Erminie, and take our leisurely way northward.

As always she was loyal to her beloved Dorothy whose joy Alfy was rapidly spoiling by her contempt for the truant. "'Cause, I s'pose he hasn't any decent clothes to come home in. He didn't take his with him and clothes don't grow on trees, even in Colorado. But if I knew where he was I'd take 'em to him and give him a piece o' my mind along with 'em." "Give it to me, instead, missy.

We love Alfy; and this, I see, is that wonderful 'Jim' of whom I've been told so much. I we are delighted that you were able to take your holiday with us; and though we are not there yet, I bid you hearty welcome to San Leon," said Lady Gray, now moving forward and warmly shaking the hand of the "work boy" as Dorothy released it. "Isn't it splendid? Is it a surprise?

The thought was too much for tender-hearted Alfy, and after a spluttering, and sniffling to stem her own grief, she burst into an audible boo-hoo, that promptly started Molly's tears, though she shed them silently. All, indeed, were very sober and Leslie's face was pale.