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He had taken eight hours of Slumber and a cold Dip in the Porcelain. After Breakfast he came out into the Spring Sunshine feeling as fit as a Fiddle and as snippy as a young Colt. "Me to the Office to get that Stack of Letters off my Mind," said the Hopeful Citizen. When he dashed into the Office he carried 220 pounds of Steam and was keen for the Attack.

Sometimes I get snippy with Alicia these days. "No," said my half-sister in an exasperated way. "Why will you persist in speaking in that way? You are very provoking. It is not likely I would wish to see you throw yourself away on a poor man, and I'm sure you must like Gus." "Oh, yes, I like him well enough," I said listlessly.

"We may as well go to Portland to-night as to stay here. Then we'll go to the farm to-morrow." Sylvia took his hand in both hers and looked earnestly into his eyes. "Forgive me," she begged. "For what?" "For being so so snippy when I first came into the room; for not believing in you, nor wanting you." Cousin Jacob took her chin in his hard hand and his shining gaze met hers.

You were Oh, please forgive me, Carl; I didn't mean to be snippy; I just don't know what to think of myself and I did used to think I was a lady, and here I am practically up and telling you and "

My automobiliness is the reason I've only sent you snippy "how-do-you-do and good-bye" notes, interspersed with telegrams, for the last few days, just thanking you for wise advice, and saying "Glad-you're-well; so-am-I." You will guess from my very handwriting that I'm feeling more at home in life than I did when I wrote you last.

"Gee! but you're hard to suit!" says I. "If I remember right, the last time I got enthusiastic over the looks of a young queen you wrinkled your nose and made remarks about my taste." "It was that snippy little Marjorie Lowry with the baby face, wasn't it?" says she. "Oh, very well, if you prefer that kind. Just like a man!"

When she did come, they were half-afraid of her, she was so stylish and young-ladified, and ordered her maid about in such a superior way. "Betty said it was curious how snippy girls of that age can be sometimes, and then turn out to be such fine women afterward, when they outgrow their snippiness and snobbishness.

What right, she wanted to know, had a snippy little gunboat to hold up a private party of perfectly good New Yorkers and ask 'em where they was goin'? Humph! What was the government, anyway? Just a lot of cheap officeholders who spent their time bothering our best people about customs duties and income taxes. For her part, she didn't care a snap about the navy.

"How could she have been so contemptible?" thought Grace. "I wonder if she'll tell," thought Julia. "She evidently knows I was responsible for her tumble. My, what a look she gave me. I wonder if that snippy little Anne Pierson knows about it, too. Very likely she does, for Grace Harlowe tells her all her business. If they do say anything I'll take good care no one believes it."

"Oh, mother!" Ethel's hands came together in ecstasy, while Fred whooped in glee. "There's the lovely big stores and the people," cried Ethel. "And the cars and Bunker Hill Monument," supplemented Fred. "And we won't ever have to come back to this snippy little town," continued Ethel. "My, won't Bill Higgins just stare!" interposed Fred.