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"Then this Hoover still cryin', mind you he says, 'Not a cent in the world except forty dollars in my trunk upstairs that I saved out to bury me with and they won't send me another cent, he says, 'because I tried 'em. "It sounded awful to hear him talkin' like that about his own buryin', but it didn't phase Bernal none. "'Forty dollars! he says, kind of sniffy like.

I had a dreadful cold, and was sniffy and inclined to be cross; so when Boggley suggested we should dine in the waiting-room while Autolycus and the chuprassis went on with the luggage to acquaint the dak-bungalow people of our arrival, I upbraided him for not making proper arrangements, and reviled the meagre repast, and was altogether very unpleasant.

Even the accepted Swain was beginning to slow up. He could remember the time when he used to sit around with members of his own Sex. Father had no Mercy. He took the two Invalids back to Land and rounded them up for Breakfast next morning. When Kenneth appeared, he was slightly greenish in Color. One Ear was three times as large as the other. He had caught a Sniffy Cold.

She was taken with his good looks, his well-cut clothes, his voice, his gaiety. "I am glad you like him," said Philip. "D'you remember you were rather sniffy about meeting him?" "I think it's so nice of him to be so fond of you, Philip. He is a nice friend for you to have." She put up her face to Philip for him to kiss her. It was a thing she did rarely.

"Don't have the same kind of stomach to put 'em in, I reckon. Anything is good to boys and billy-goats, but edjicated insides is sniffy, they tell me. Set down, Mary Cary. Here, take this rockin'-chair. Ain't anything been spilt on this one, and it's the only one what ain't. I'm that thankful nothin's caught on fire that I was thinkin' of settin' down myself, but 'twon't be no use. Look-a-yonder!

"What is it?" he said, to a rather sniffy messenger boy. "Drunk," said the messenger boy: except that, in unblushing cockney, he pronounced it "Drank." Lilly hung further back on the edge of the little crowd. "Come on here. Where d' you want to go?" he heard the hearty tones of the policeman. "I'm all right. I'm all right," came the testy drunken answer. "All right, are yer!

"I ain't a-goin' to be mean to nobody," she said; "my gentlemen is always refined, even if they do sometimes forget theirselves when young and sporty. Mr. Erroll is now a-bed, sir, and asleep like a cherub, ice havin' been served three times with towels, extra. Would you be good enough to mention the bill to him in the morning? the grocer bein' sniffy."

Am I sick? . . . Good Lord, I hope it isn't that! Not now! How people lie! How these stories lie! They say the bride is always so blushing and proud and happy when she finds that out, but I'd hate it! I'd be scared to death! Some day but Please, dear nebulous Lord, not now! Bearded sniffy old men sitting and demanding that we bear children. If THEY had to bear them ! I wish they did have to!

She says I'll make quite a good maid after a bit!" "Well, I hope to the Lord you will!" said Mrs. Spruce with a sniffy "For it's a chance in a 'undred, comin' straight out of the village to a first situation with, a lady like Miss Vancourt. And I 'ope you'll profit by it!

Humplebee looked uncomfortable. He had the sniffy beginnings of a cold, the result of yesterday's struggle in icy water, and his usual diffident and monosyllabic inclination were intensified by the position in which he found himself.