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Lucky for the buffaloes I niver took a notion to go out and kill siveral thousand: for that raison we find the drove out there so innocent and confidin' that they don't know enough to be afeard of us." "Maybe they have no cause to be." "But they can't know that I'm not goin' to shoot among them, so why shouldn't they be scared out of their siven sinses?

Thar's them gol danged copper-colored guests uv ther government they're kickin' up three pints uv the'r rumpus, more or less consider'bly less of more than more o' less. Take a passel uv them barbarities an' shet 'em up inter a prison for three or thirteen yeers, an' ye'd see w'at an impression et'd make, now. Thar'd be siveral less massycrees a week, an' ye wouldn't see a rufyan onc't a month.

"He cahled her Cynthy, d' ye see, Mr. Gridley, an' tahked to her jist as asy as if they was two rogues, and she knowed it as well as he did. An' so, says he, I'm goin' away, says he, an' I'm goin' to be gahn siveral days, or perhaps longer, says he, an' you'd better kape it, says he." "Keep what, Kitty? What was it he wanted her to keep?" said Mr.

"I offer me congratulations," he said, doffing his cap and bowing low. "On what?" asked Frank Mansley. "The stream over which ye are now floating takes the name of the Yukon, and doesn't give up the same till it tumbles into the Pacific siveral miles to the west of us." "Several miles!" repeated Frank; "it must be three thousand." "Something like that, I belave.

Th' English pote does betther." "'Las' night at eight o'clock, he says, 'we found our slendher but inthrepid ar-rmy surrounded be wan hundhred thousan' Boers, he says. 'We attackted thim with gr-reat fury, he says, 'pursuin' thim up th' almost inaccessible mountain side an' capturin' eight guns which we didn't want so we give thim back to thim with siveral iv our own, he says.

After they entered the boat they spoke nothing at all, at all, for siveral minutes. It was all I could do wid the strong tide to keep the boat pinted for Kinsington, and I only noticed that Mr. Rainey comminced the conversation in a low tone of voice.

"He cahled her Cynthy, d' ye see, Mr. Gridley, an' tahked to her jist as asy as if they was two rogues, and she knowed it as well as he did. An' so, says he, I'm goin' away, says he, an' I'm goin' to be gahn siveral days, or perhaps longer, says he, an' you'd better kape it, says he." "Keep what, Kitty? What was it he wanted her to keep?" said Mr.

He will naad to use no black paint for siveral days, as me grandfather " At this point Deerfoot deliberately placed his hand over the mouth of the speaker, abruptly ending what he proposed to say. Now, nothing could be clearer than that if the Winnebago party were in such plain view of the three youths, the latter in turn were liable to be discovered by them.

I don't boast of my own powers, but I'll lay if I'd been in the neighborhood, I'd 've found it and stuck to it like a bloodhound, till I'd 've throttled that thievin' wretch." "The Sioux spent the bitter part of the day in the s'arch, an' meself an' siveral other savages has been looking iver since, and none of us have got so much as a scint of his shoe, bad luck to him."

"I'll just take him back, then, in the boat with me now, for it's easy enough getting this way, but there's holes in the sand that makes drivin' unpleasant. Howsomever, I can't say which is the best passage. This city gentleman I've got with me now thinks he's lost his life siveral times already since he got into this boat." He pointed to Caius as he ended his invitation to Le Maître.