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This wan is called 'The Little Eagle, an' 'tis about th' son iv Napolyon th' Impror iv th' Fr-rinch, th' first wan, not th' wan I had th' fight about in Schwartzmeister's in eighteen hundhred an' siventy. Bad cess to that man, he was no good. I often wondher why I shtud up f'r him whin he had hardly wan frind in th' counthry. But I did, an' ye might say I'm a vethran iv th' Napolyonic Wars.

"Between sixty an' siventy fate, countin' it at the shaft." "And this tunnel how long do you make it?" "Wan hundred an' forty-six fate, from the rock yonder." Winston's gray eyes, grave with thought, were upon the man's face, but the other kept his own concealed, lowered to the rock floor. "Who laid out this work, do you know? Who did the engineering?" "Oi think ut was the ould man hisself.

"Finlay Farquharson wes the best o' them a'! There wes saxty or siventy bairns went to his school at Carnavruick when I wes a loon. He'd been to Ameriky, ye ken, sir, and I doot he'd brought back wi' him a bit o' the Yankee tongue. Faix! He had a lively tongue! He niver wanted his answer when he had to come oot wi' it."

"Wentworth asked him what he meant by the blood-drip. "'Shure, he said, ''tis the bhlood av thim as ould Black Mick 'way back in the ould days kilt in their shlape. 'Twas a feud as he pretendid to patch up, an' he invited thim the O'Haras they was siventy av thim. An' he fed thim, an' shpoke soft to thim, an' thim thrustin' him, sthayed to shlape with him.

"W'y, yes, Miss. Or'nary trains they run between twenty and forty miles an hour, though sometimes in goin' down inclines they git up to fifty; but my 'usband averages sixty miles an hour, an' on some parts o' the line 'e gits up the speed to sixty-five an' siventy. For my own part I'm quite hignorant of these things.